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A Molecular World p Objectives:

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Presentation on theme: "A Molecular World p Objectives:"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Molecular World p272-276 Objectives:
to define DNA, cancer, viruses, prions,

2 DNA Cells perform many functions that are controlled by genes
Genes are sections of DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid Found in the nucleus of all cells


4 DNA DNA is constructed from phosphates, sugars and 4 different nitrogenous bases: A - adenine T - thymine C - cytosine G - guanine


6 Gene Sequencing Determining the order of A,T,C,G in a gene
Human genome project Completed in 2003 Mapped all the human genes ( genes or 3 billion chemical base pairs !)

7 Why Sequence Genes Molecular medicine –cure diseases
DNA forensics (identification) Agriculture, livestock breeding, and bioprocessing

8 Cancer Uncontrolled cell growth
Caused by a change or mutation to genes Mutagens such as UV light cause mutations (although they can occur spontaneously)

9 A carcinogen is a substance that causes cancer
Asbestos benzene

10 Viruses A non living, non cellular structure of DNA enclosed in a protein coating Cannot reproduce on its own, does not need energy, does not produce waste

11 Influenza and Adenovirus

12 A virus takes over a host cell and uses that host cell to make more viruses.

13 Prion A harmful protein that causes disease
Ex) Spongiform Encephalopathy

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