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You Try! With your group, draw the stages of Photosynthesis, adding as much detail as you can without consulting your notes/text.

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Presentation on theme: "You Try! With your group, draw the stages of Photosynthesis, adding as much detail as you can without consulting your notes/text."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Try! With your group, draw the stages of Photosynthesis, adding as much detail as you can without consulting your notes/text.

2 Photorespiration generates no ATP, NADPH, or glucose!
Photorespiration is a major limiting factor in the production levels of C3 PLANTS Photorespiration generates no ATP, NADPH, or glucose! Rice Up to 50% of the yield of many important agricultural crops like rice, soybeans, and wheat may be lost to photorespiration. Soybeans

3 Alternate Strategy #1: the C4 PATHWAY
Carbon fixation and the Calvin Cycle are separated. Fixation occurs in the MESOPHYLL CELLS while the Calvin Cycle occurs in the BUNDLE-SHEATH CELLS. corn This separation allows the plants to minimize photorespiration and maximize sugar production. sugarcane

4 Results in a SPATIAL SEPARATION of CO2 acquisition and fixation!
An Overview of the C4 Pathway: Results in a SPATIAL SEPARATION of CO2 acquisition and fixation!

5 Alternate Strategy #2: CAM
CAM plants open their STOMATA at night to acquire CO2. This CO2 is used during the day for fixation in the Calvin Cycle. (Temporal separation!)

6 C4 and CAM Strategies Summarized:

7 Final Key Point: Metabolic Processes are Connected!
During periods of light, which cycle must be faster, the Calvin Cycle or the Citric Acid Cycle? Why??

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