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Hans Burchard, Elisabeth Schulz and Henk Schuttelaars

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1 Hans Burchard, Elisabeth Schulz and Henk Schuttelaars
Impact of estuarine convergence on residual circulation in tidally energetic estuaries and inlets Hans Burchard, Elisabeth Schulz and Henk Schuttelaars

2 The Wadden Sea circulation in a nutshell
Warming Precipitation Land Ocean Downward surface buoyancy flux Sea bed Weak tidal mixing: vertically stratified River? Thermohaline estuarine circulation Strong tidal mixing: horizontally stratified

3 Width-averaged tidal inlet model (2DV, x-z)
shelf sea land island inter-tidal island Burchard et al. (in prep.)

4 Width-averaged tidal inlet model: Net precipitation
Burchard et al. (in prep.)

5 Width-averaged tidal inlet model: no buoyancy flux
What is this? Burchard et al. (in prep.)

6 The physics of estuarine convergence
z flood ebb x x u Estuarine convergence adds an ebb tendency to the flow. Ebb tendency (surface-enhanced) + pressure gradient drives exchange flow. (Ianniello, 1979)

7 Constant eddy viscosity (1DV)
A: cross-sectional area Red: classical H&R65 solution Burchard, Schulz & Schuttelaars, GRL 2014

8 Variable eddy viscosity (1DV) Tidal straining circulation
MacCready & Geyer (2010) after Jay & Musiak (1994)

9 Variable eddy viscosity (1DV)
Non-dimensional parameters of the model: Convergence number: Simpson number: Unsteadiness number: Burchard, Schulz & Schuttelaars, GRL 2014

10 Variable eddy viscosity simulations (1DV)
Decomposition of residual flow profiles according to Burchard & Hetland (2010) Convergence reduces or even reverts tidal straining circulation. Burchard, Schulz & Schuttelaars, GRL 2014

11 Parameter space study Colour code: intensity of estuarine circulation
Burchard, Schulz & Schuttelaars, GRL 2014

12 Maybe this even exists in nature.
Conclusion Channel convergence may reduce estuarine circulation for weak buoyancy forcing. Maybe this even exists in nature.

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