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NQLA 2018 Rural Roundup.

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Presentation on theme: "NQLA 2018 Rural Roundup."— Presentation transcript:

1 NQLA 2018 Rural Roundup

2 Rural Roundup Vegetation Management 101 Renewable Energy Projects

3 Vegetation Management
3 Acts and a Code *Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act Regulates matters of National Environmental Significance eg Endangered Species; Habitat protection for threatened species etc. Approval under this Act MAY be required if clearing involves matter of National environmental significance

4 Vegetation Management
*Nature Conservation Act Legislation to protect plants and vegetation *Vegetation Management Act Regulatory Framework

5 Vegetation Management
Factors which affect whether an approval is required: The tenure of the land ( Freehold/ Leasehold) Who is doing the clearing? ( State or Private) Category of vegetation affected Location, extent and purpose of clearing

6 Vegetation Management
How to approach a land clearing proposal: STEP 1 Get your Map ( Property Map of Assessable Vegetation- PMAV) and check it carefully for accuracy of image and categories: - Cat B:Remnant Vegetation( not previously cleared) - Cat C: High Value regrowth - Cat R:Regrowth in watercourse/ drainage area

7 Vegetation Management
Cat A: “ Special Areas” eg area declared for specific purpose; Offset or exchange area; Land previously unlawfully cleared; subject to restoration notice etc - Cat X: Everything else

8 Vegetation Management
STEP 2 Identify which options apply to your activity: - Exemptions apply? If not… - Does self assessable Code apply? - Area Management Plan? If not , then.. - Development application

9 Vegetation Management
Exemption Categories: Cat X – Anytime, anywhere Construction of new infrastructure eg buildings, stockyards- Max 2Ha and of least concern Existing fences and roads- max 10m and of least concern Fire Management Line- 10 m

10 Vegetation Management
Fire break around infrastructure- 20 m or 1.5 x the height of tallest adjacent tree Hazardous fuel load reduction ( bushfire prevention) Clearing to maintain existing infrastructure eg sheds, yards, watering points Sourcing timber to maintain existing infrastructure Clearing to remove imminent risk to people or infrastructure

11 Vegetation Management
Self assessable codes: - Extractive Industries Fodder Harvesting Improving efficiencies Managing Cat C regrowth Necessary Environmental Clearing eg post cyclone Thinning and weed control

12 Vegetation Management
Development Application Under the IDAS framework Can only be accepted if the application is “Properly Made” Assessment pre lodgement : Time Unreasonable demands Cost

13 Vegetation Management
If accepted as Properly Made- lodge your application: - Fee! - Time and extensions

14 Vegetation Management
Recent changes: - Ban Broadscale clearing - Ban clearing of regrowth not cleared since 1990 - Increased penalties for illegal clearing - Greater enforcement powers - Approval for Thinning required

15 Renewable Energy Projects
Local activity: - Kidston Solar and pumped storage - Lakeland- 2 solar farms , 1 storage facility - Mt Emerald wind turbines - At least 1 solar farm in investigation phase near Mareeba

16 Renewable Energy Projects
Dealing with promoters, not operators Very long term implications Option considerations Lease considerations Tenure considerations

17 Renewable Energy Projects
Options: - Insurance - Access - Make Good provisions - Non interference with farm activities - Property security generally - Biosecurity Obligations

18 Renewable Energy Projects
Lease considerations: - Adequate security for performance of obligations ( expect changes of lessee) - Rent review and payment terms - End of lease/ make good requirements - beware redundant technology!

19 Renewable Energy Projects
Tenure Considerations: Lease – TP application for long term lease, or reconfiguration? Get the reconfiguration!

20 Biosecurity Biosecurity Act ( Qld) 2016
Old approach- piecemeal, threat specific legislation New approach- Risk based, not prescriptive General Biosecurity Obligation: Everyone must ensure their activities do not spread a pest, disease or contaminant

21 Biosecurity One Must: - Take all reasonable and practicable steps to prevent biosecurity risks - Minimise likelihood of a risk becoming an event - Prevent/ minimise adverse consequences and refrain from escalating risk

22 Biosecurity Concepts: Risk: A pest, disease or contaminant
Event Outcome caused by a risk that could harm health, social amenity or the economy Prohibited matter: A risk that is not present in the State and is to be kept out Restricted Matter: A risk that is present in the State, but is to be contained or eradicated eg Brucellosis

23 Biosecurity Restricted Matters
Seven Categories, each has its own prescribed actions/ responses A risk can fall into more than one category, if so, actions are cumulative

24 Biosecurity Enforcement: Passive and aggressive! Regulatory tools:
-emergency order -management and control -biosecurity program -biosecurity zones - biosecurity order

25 Biosecurity Passive enforcement- adoption of industry codes, accreditation schemes etc. All farms/ stations should have a Farm Biosecurity Plan www.

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