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Week 1 3rd 6 Weeks.

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1 Week 1 3rd 6 Weeks

2 Pg 320 in the Gray Book Pg 333 in the Brown Book
Read and take Cornell Notes about “Drawing the Color Line” and Plessy v Ferguson and how African Americans responded to these new threats with “Migration” and “Self Help”

3 In Your notebook Write your response:
At the end of Reconstruction, discuss 3 new threats that African Americans faced after slavery (besides physical violence). Discuss at three ways that African Americans responded to these ongoing and continuing threats.


5 Groups 1.The Railroad Builders 2. The Miners
3. The Ranchers and Cowboys 4. The Homesteaders Who are they? What did they accomplish? Why are they significant in American history? How did they impact other groups? (American Indians, immigrants, settlers, etc) Lasting impact? Vocabulary? Important individuals?

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