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Unit 1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks Lesson 3

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1 Unit 1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks Lesson 3

2 Big Picture We use the internet on a daily basis, but do we realise what is involved in this? What is operating the background for us to do this?

3 Learning Objectives Understand the internet is a worldwide collection of computers Understand the role of DNS as part of the internet Understand what is meant by hosting Understand what is meant by the cloud Understand what is meant by a virtual network Understand why virtual networks are used

4 Engagement Activity Do you use a virtual network? Do they know what one is? Why are virtual networks important and how can they add a new level of security to keeping your personal data safe?

5 Key Words Internet DNS Hosting The cloud Virtual network VPN

6 The Internet Worldwide collection of computer networks that are connected together (Inter-networking) They operate on protocols such as TCP/IP

7 DNS Server When accessing a webpage we use a URL to access the page e.g. http tells the computer to use the hypertext transfer protocol which puts the packets together to be used in a web browser www tells us that this is a webpage and that it is located on the world wide web is the domain name

8 DNS Server When you type that URL into the web browser the computer will query a DNS Server (Domain Name Server) The DNS has a list of all domain names and their associated IP addresses. All packets are transmitted as IP addresses – therefore to access the server that holds the OCR website – we would need to know the IP address. This is the role of the DNS server

9 DNS Server Without a DNS server the user would have to type in IP addresses to access a webpage: E.g Imagine remembering your favourite web pages now?

10 Hosting In order to let other people see your web site, it will be placed on a web server. This is known as hosting. You would select a suitable domain name e.g. You would need to register the domain name with a domain registrar – they would ensure that the domain name is unique and not already registered Each registered domain name would have an associated IP address – this would then be registered on a DNS

11 The Cloud The cloud is a network of servers
Some servers will run applications Some servers will store data The benefits of the cloud is that you can increase storage e.g. from mobile phones Access files from anywhere in the world Collaborate with others from around the world

12 Activity 1 Let’s watch two videos that explain what a virtual private network is. What is virtual network in general? What can they be used for? Let’s construct a mind map on the board to represent the abilities of a virtual network.

13 Virtual Networks Within a LAN (Local Area Network) it is possible to break the network into virtual networks to allow one group of devices to not “see” another group of devices on the network. E.g. Administrators and school users. They share the same network hardware and cabling but software determines what the different virtual networks can access and see/use Easier to maintain a network and also leads to a flexible network setup Machines can be added and removed from a virtual network without having to re-wire.

14 Activity 2 Peer teach Your groups will be assigned a topic
You need to research your topic and create a 5 minute lesson to teach your peers about what you have learnt

15 Plenary You have four definitions in front of you
Write your name on each definition Place the correct definition in the correct box as you leave

16 OCR Resources: the small print OCR’s resources are provided to support the teaching of OCR specifications, but in no way constitute an endorsed teaching method that is required by the Board, and the decision to use them lies with the individual teacher. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content, OCR cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions within these resources. © OCR This resource may be freely copied and distributed, as long as the OCR logo and this message remain intact and OCR is acknowledged as the originator of this work. OCR acknowledges the use of the following content: n/a Please get in touch if you want to discuss the accessibility of resources we offer to support delivery of our qualifications:

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