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How did the Ideas of the Italian Renaissance Spread Throughout Europe?

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1 How did the Ideas of the Italian Renaissance Spread Throughout Europe?
Chapter 2

2 What Types of People Were Responsible for Spreading the Ideas of The Renaissance?
SCHOLARS-a learned person, especially one who has profound knowledge of a particular subject. PHILOSOPHERS-a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields. ARTISTS-a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.

3 What Types of People Were Responsible for Spreading the Ideas of The Renaissance?
SCIENTISTS-an expert in science, especially one of the physical or natural science. MATHEMATICIANS-an expert or specialist in mathematics. WRITERS- a person engaged in writing books, articles, stories, etc., especially as an occupation or profession; an author or journalist.

4 What Types of People Are Likely to Influence the Ideas of Modern-Day Western World?
POLITICIANS- a person skilled in political government or administration CELEBRITIES – A famous or well known person SCIENTISTS – An expert in science; especially one of the natural of physical sciences

5 What Types of People Are Likely to Influence the Ideas of Modern-Day Western World?
FILM WRITER- someone who writes screenplays BOOK WRITERS- someone who writes books TELEVISION WRITERS- someone who writes a script for television

6 Where and how did the Renaissance Spread?
Focus Question #1 Where and how did the Renaissance Spread?

7 Where Did the Renaissance spread?
Ideas developed first in Italy, then spread to western and northern Europe As ideas spread throughout Europe, they were changed by each location to suit the citizens and reflect their societies.

8 How Did Renaissance Ideas Begin to Spread?
Slowly at first because of… Feudalism (look at the diagram on page 23) Feudalism existed in lands beyond Italy because of good soil which supported agricultural societies. In these places, feudalism did not support new ideas Nobles and monarchs had a lot of tension between them over the land (fiefdom). However, as long as feudalism was around, monarchs felt in control. War Prevented spread of ideas because Northern Europe was more focused on using their resources for survival, the military, and expansion, not on advancing the arts or sciences. The warring areas made travel difficult or impossible, preventing the spread of knowledge and ideas. Religion The church believed in the status quo (keeping things the same). Since much of life was strongly tied to the church, change and spread of new ideas was slow to catch on. Feudalism, fiefdom, Status Quo

9 How Did Renaissance Ideas Begin to Spread?
Then more quickly… The end of the Hundred Years War made travel and the spread of ideas safer Decline of Feudal system helped monarchs centralize their power and gave people the freedom to explore changes in ideas, arts, sciences and philosophy French and German war on Italy exposed these groups to Italian Renaissance worldviews, which they took back to their homeland French and German leaders hired Italian craftsmen and scholars to their courts, bringing Italian worldviews Humanism spread during the peace after the war European aristocracy borrowed ideas from Italy to increase the sophistication of their courts Banking and business increased with trade. Merchant class traveled to and from homelands, bringing new ideas with them Monarchs hired Italian artists to do work for them Growth of humanism led to competition with the Roman Catholic Church for power over the people Humanism

10 Review what you know! How well could you answer focus question #1? How did the ideas of the Italian renaissance spread throughout Europe?

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