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Define mark, rentenmark, reichsmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Define mark, rentenmark, reichsmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Define mark, rentenmark, reichsmark.
Did Germany recover economically from the 1923 crisis? C aim – to explain both sides and reach a judgement B aim – to explain both sides and explain your judgement A aim – to explain both sides and reach a supported judgement This is on p. 71 Define mark, rentenmark, reichsmark.

2 Homework – due Thursday 22nd January
Using pp prepare for either of the following. Weimar Germany enjoyed a strong economic recovery from hyperinflation. Weimar Germany struggled to recover from hyperinflation.

3 Germany did recover Allies wanted Germany to recover to pay reparations, Dawes Plan 1924, American loans Prospect for growth made Weimar Germany a magnet for foreign investment until 1929 Steady prices Trade unions got higher pay Industrial production increased, exports grew Growth not that far off Britain and France Overall profit in investment vs. Reparations

4 Germany didn’t recover
Unsteady growth Industrial growth was too low Lack of entrepreneurs and industrial investment, too cautious Germany falling behind Cartelisation stifled entrepreneurs Strike days increased 1928 to 20.3 million Wages stagnated by 1928 Still had to pay reparations as a similar % of GDP Fall in agricultural prices due to a world surplus in grain, this industry went into depression, indebtness and bankruptcies grew and there was peasant violence Trade unions led to higher pay not in line with production which hit profits and investment Only short-term investment Unemployment stayed about 1 million, rising from 1928 Growing trade deficit (importing more than it could export) High expectations of an expensive welfare state written into the constitution, struggled to finance it as circulation was controlled , e.g. 2.5 million war related pensions, from 15% of GNP to 26% of GNP in 1920s, it would be completely unsustainable once unemployment increased in 1929 Increasing taxes Budget deficit remained Subsidies artificially maintained some industries Revaluation – the government valued debts at 15% of their original value, probably too low for creditors and too high for debtors to find, and established a lottery to give compensation, which many were unhappy with. It kept the memory of hyperinflation alive whilst this was being discussed.

5 Dancing on a volcano Abnormal, in fact a sick economy, which could not possibly have gone on in the same way even if the world depression had not occurred. Borchhardt

6 How far had it recovered from the 1923 economic crisis?
Didn’t recover Recovered Weimar Economy in the 1920s How far had it recovered from the 1923 economic crisis?

7 Clarifications Weimar Germany was doomed to failure from How far do you agree? (30) Freikorps Key knowledge Fitting in all the key knowledge

8 Homework – due Monday Make a detailed mind-map on Culture in Weimar Germany. Be colourful and add pictures. What were the major characteristics of Weimar Germany’s culture? How did the German public perceive the cultural developments of the 1920s?

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