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Reason and Religion in the Catholic and Protestant Worlds

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Presentation on theme: "Reason and Religion in the Catholic and Protestant Worlds"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reason and Religion in the Catholic and Protestant Worlds
I. Introduction: Joseph II and Cleaning the Catholic Church II. Reason and Religion in the Catholic World--Pope Benedict XIV A. Legal Challenges B. Theological Challenges C. Institutional Challenges III. Reason and Religion in the Protestant World--G.E. Lessing

2 Tolerance and Intolerance in Early Modern Europe
I. Introduction II. Early forms of tolerance and intolerance A. Petr Chelčický (ca ) B. Anabaptists C. Toleration in a sixteenth century context III. Intolerance in practice--seventeenth century IV. Intolerance in practive--eighteenth century A. Tumult of Thorn B. Salzburg Transaction V. Enlightened absolutism

3 aka Prospero Lambertini
Benedict XIV ( ) aka Prospero Lambertini


5 Miraculous tongue of John Nepomuk

6 aka Prospero Lambertini
Benedict XIV ( ) aka Prospero Lambertini

7 Reason and Religion in the Catholic and Protestant Worlds
I. Introduction: Joseph II and Cleaning the Catholic Church II. Reason and Religion in the Catholic World--Pope Benedict XIV A. Legal Challenges B. Theological Challenges C. Institutional Challenges III. Reason and Religion in the Protestant World--G.E. Lessing

8 Cornelius Jansen ( )

9 Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768)

10 G.E. Lessing ( )


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