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Safety Mrs. Jessica Dean,BSN,RN.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Mrs. Jessica Dean,BSN,RN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Mrs. Jessica Dean,BSN,RN

2 Safety 1. Body Mechanics 2. Universal Precautions
3. Disaster Preparedness

3 Safety Body Mechanics: The way in which the body moves and maintains balance while making the most efficient use of all its parts.

4 Why use good body mechanics?
Muscles work best when used correctly Correct application of body mechanics prevents unnecessary fatigue and strain, and saves energy Correct use of muscles makes lifting,pulling, and pushing easier. Correct application of body mechanics prevents injury to self.

5 Good Body Mechanics Identify the client/item to be moved and explain the procedure. 4. Bring the object or client close before attempting to move. 2. Size up the load to be moved and get help if needed. 5. Squat by bending at the knees, and keep the back straight. 3. Keep a broad base of stance, with feet 6-8 inches apart. 6. Turn the body as a unit by pivoting the feet, not turning at the waist.

6 Watch Video

7 Safety Activity: Demonstrate proper lifting and body mechanics

8 Basic rules of good body mechanics:
Bend at hips and knees Never lift anything that can be pushed or pulled. Use weight of body to push or pull. Use strongest muscles Avoid twisting Avoid bending for long periods of time

9 Basic rules of good body mechanics cont.
Always ask for help if needed Keep object close to your body Maintain broad base support

10 Universal Precautions
What is it? Who uses? When do we use?

11 Universal Precautions
Used to prevent the spread of microorganisms (germs) Also known as standard precautions

12 What are universal precautions?
Handwashing Gloves Gowns/Aprons Masks Goggles Face shields

13 Who uses universal precautions?

14 When are gloves worn? When touching body fluids, blood,body substances and mucous membranes When there are cuts, breaks, or opening in the skin Possible contact with urine,feces,vomit, wound dressings, drainage, soiled linens or clothing Anytime there is possible contamination

15 When are masks worn? When splattering or splashing of blood or body fluids is possible.

16 When are gown or aprons worn?
When splashing,splattering,smearing, or soiling from blood or body fluids is possible                                                                              

17 Handwashing: Wash hands after coming in contact with the client
Wash hands before putting on gloves and after removing gloves

18 Handwashing: The single most important way to prevent the spread of infection is simply HANDWASHING!

19 Workplace Safety

20 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
State Regulations Federal Regulations Establish standards of safety for the workplace and to enforce those standards

21 OSHA Federal regulations require employers to tell employees of potential hazards in the workplace.

22 Equipment Regulations
Do not use any equipment until instructed on how to use it Read and follow operating instructions for all major pieces of equipment Report any damaged or malfunctioning equipment immediately and do no use it

23 Equipment Regulations, cont.
Observe all safety rules that have been taught Do not use frayed or damaged electrical cords (third prong) Third prong used for grounding

24 Solutions Regulations
Never use solutions from bottles that are not labeled Never mix any solutions together unless instructed to do so Read the label of solutions bottles before using,during use, and after using---make sure you have the correct solution

25 Solutions Regulations, cont
Some spills can be poisonous or cause injury Avoid contact with your skin Use only as directed Report and spills or equipment breaks immediately Directions will be given on how to remove the spilled solution

26 IIPP Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP)
Every employer must establish,implement and maintain a plan.

27 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Provides all information required to use a chemical safely

28 Patient Safety Do not perform any procedures until you have been instructed to do so Use correct or approved methods while performing procedures Provide privacy for patient Identify your patient Wrist bands Repeat the name at least twice Check the name on patient’s record

29 Ambulation devices assist patient in walking(ambulating) Walker Cane
                      Cane Transfer Belt Walker

30 Transportation devices
used to move patient from one place to another safely                                                                        Wheelchair Transfer Board Hoyer Lift

31 Postural supports restrict client movement for safety                                                                                         

32 Side rails keep clients from falling out of bed

33 Disaster Preparedness
Examples of disasters: Bioterrorism Earthquake Tornado Explosion Fire Hurricanes Flood


35 Things to know: Floor plan of your facility Nearest exit routes
Location of fire alarms and extinguishers and how to use Your role as a health care worker when a disaster occurs

36 Fire Safety Three things are needed to start a fire:
Oxygen: found in the air Fuel: any material that will burn Heat: sparks, matches, flames

37 Causes of Fires: Smoking and Matches(#1 cause) Misuse of electricity
Defects in heating systems Spontaneous ignition Improper garbage disposal Arson

38 Fire Extinguishers Classified by type of fire they extinguish
Main types are A,B,C, and ABC

39 Type A Contains pressurized water
Used on combustibles such as paper,cloth and wood         

40 Type B Contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Used on gas,oil,paints,burning liquids, and cooking fats Provides a smothering action for fire-water would cause fire to spread Leaves a snow like residue

41 Type C Contains a dry chemical-
Potassium bicarbonate Potassium chloride Used on electrical fires- non conducting agent Can also be used on burning liquids for smothering action

42 Type ABC (Combination)
Contains graphite-type chemical Multipurpose extinguisher-used for all types of fires Leaves residue damaging to eyes and skin

43 Fire Safety Rules Remain calm Evacuate area Sound the alarm
If fire is small, use extinguisher to put it out Close all doors and windows Never use elevators

44 A Activate alarm and call 911
R-A-C-E R Remove anyone in immediate danger to safety A Activate alarm and call 911 C Close doors to prevent spread of smoke and fire E Extinguish the fire

45 Fire Safety Preventing fires is everyone’s concern
Be alert to causes of fires and take measures to prevent them Know policies in case of fire

46 Safety Safety is everyone’s responsibility
Most accidents can be prevented!!!!

47 Safety THE END!

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