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Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC

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1 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Subcommittee 5: IMMUNITY Ed Hare SC5 Chair 4 May 2018

2 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Scope of Subcommittee 5 (unchanged from last meeting) Subcommittee 5 is responsible for developing and maintaining new and existing standards for immunity testing techniques and associated instrumentation as requested by the Main Committee ANSI ASC C63®

3 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Duties of Subcommittee 5 (unchanged from last meeting) Subcommittee 5 develops or maintains the following standards: C63.9 – Office Equipment Immunity C63.15 – Immunity test methods and equipment C63.16 – ESD C63.24 – On-site and in-situ testing

4 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Membership of Subcommittee 5 (See next slide for membership list) O No changes in leadership O No members at risk O One new member recommended: Ross Carlton, ETS-Lindgren 4

5 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Membership of Subcommittee 5 Steve Berger Member TEM Consulting Ross Carlton Member ETS-Lindgren Craig Fanning Member Elite Electronic Engineering Andy Griffin Member Cisco Systems Ed Hare Chair ARRL Don Heirman Member Don HEIRMAN Consultants Dan Hoolihan Member Hoolihan EMC Consulting Rick Lombardi Member Visteon Corporation Randy Long Member ANSI ANAB Jerry Ramie Secretary ARC Technical Resources Dave Schaefer Member TUV SUD America Jeffrey Silberberg Member FDA Steve Whitesell Vice Chair Whitesell Consulting Dave Zimmerman Member Spectrum EMC 5

6 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Motion: On behalf of SC5, the Chair of SC5 moves that the Scope, Duties and Membership List of SC5 as shown in this report be approved by the ASC C63 ® Main Committee. 6

7 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C Standard for RF Immunity of Audio Office Equipment to General Use Transmitting Devices with Transmitter Power Levels up to 8 Watts Revisions underway; working Group chaired by Heirman Addressing comments received during 2014 reaffirmation ballot Also looking at issues such as not limiting to “office equipment,” not limiting the standard to immunity from 8-watt transmitters and creating definitions for “office equipment” and “audio equipment” AWG modulation files were used in the standard. Assign AI to Hare to work with IEEE and C63 Chair to determine how to best distribute these

8 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C Recommended Practice for the Immunity Measurement of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Published in March 2018 No ongoing maintenance Final WG report

9 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C Standard Guide for Electrostatic Discharge Test Methodologies and Criteria for Electronic Equipment Standard was published in 2016, no ongoing maintenance needed Steve Whitesell drafted a recommendation report including specific changes that could be made to IEC , using unique material in the C63.16 Guide This recommendation was reviewed at the SC5 meeting an it was decided to provide this material to SC3,a sking it to provide it to the USNC, to see if the USNC will take it forward into the IEC A draft of this recommendation report is being made part of the SC5 minutes

10 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C Recommended Practice for In-Situ RF Immunity Evaluation of Products, Instrumentation, and Control Systems in High Reliability Installations Being developed using the model of C63.18, a standard for the testing of in-situ and on-site immunity of medical equipment Working Group chaired by Don Heirman, WG report Will test against immunity of transmitters in use at the location where equipment will be used This work is being closely coordinated with IEEE EMC Society, which has a standard being revised, IEEE Std. 473, Site Surveys Common material is primarily in the text covering test set-ups and instrumentation, bot other common ground may be identified as the standards are developed Joint C63.24IEEE 473 WG is holding regular webinars to work on common material. Each group is also working on its own material separately

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