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Graduate Rate Cohort Corrections

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1 Graduate Rate Cohort Corrections
November 14, 2016

2 Graduation Cohort Applies to all schools with 9-12th graders, not just graduating centers Includes the following: All first-time 9th graders in the district in fall membership Incoming transfers on same schedule to graduate: New 9th graders in New 10th graders in New 11th graders in New 12th graders in

3 2015-16 Graduation Cohort Explanation
Adjusted by removing the following: Transfers to other public schools (not DJJ/jail): W3A, W3B Transfers to private schools: W04 Transfers to home education program: W24 Deceased students: W12

4 2015-16 Graduation Cohort Explanation
All students in final adjusted cohort receive one of the following designations: Graduate: Standard diplomas (18- or 24-credit) Non-graduate: Special diplomas, retained students, certificate of completion, GED Dropout: Drop outs, did not enter school, withdrawn due to court action/non- attendance/medical reasons/expulsion Complete list of withdrawal codes/diploma types starts on page 4 of technical guide

5 District Role in Cleanup
Check for statewide duplicates, particularly of non-graduates & drop outs Match students on first name, last name, and birthdate (not just ID) Check school type (since cohort is built based on grade level and incorrect grades, elementary/middle school students will cause cohort to be generated for that school)

6 School Role in Cleanup Review data for accuracy
Pay attention to withdrawal date (transfer code at end of 4th year = non-graduate) Mark students listed in the cohort too early (due to mid-year promotion, grade skipping, etc.) as a deletion Manually add back in students who graduated early but who should be in this cohort (9th graders in who graduated prior to )

7 How to view school data: D-DPS00007
From Genesis desktop go to Report Manager -> Dynaport -> click DPS/DOE from the list of Report Categories -> Double-click D-DPS Year Grad Rate

8 How to view school data: D-DPS00007
Run the report twice: one with status D (to view dropouts) and once with status “N” (to view non-grads)

9 D-DPS00007 File Continued Highlight data from file, copy, and paste into Excel Save files using the following naming protocol: RevXXXXDropoutsGR1516.xlsx (XXXX = school number) RevXXXXNongradsGR1516.xlsx (XXXX = school number) Example: Rev0031DropoutsGR1516.xlsx & Rev0031NongradsGR1516.xlsx Do NOT add or delete any columns or rows on this report Submit both files to Dr. Donna Nicolodi when completed Files due Tuesday, November 29th, by 12 noon

10 Finding early graduates to add back into cohort
From Genesis desktop click on Options and change year to 1415 Go to Report Manager -> General -> click Perm Record from the list of Report Categories -> Double-click PRM001 Missing credits report

11 Adding early graduates back into cohort
Set grade level to 12, with year entered 9th grade as 12-13 Search for Both Active & Withdrawn Select graduation option (will have to run report multiple times to look for multiple graduation options)

12 Contact for Help Marie Moore

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