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Vital Statistics Challenges and the way forward

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1 Vital Statistics Challenges and the way forward
Oussama Marseli Head of Population Census and Vital Statistics

2 Challenges Low quality of paper forms (allergies to carbon copie, handwriting, coding…) not suitable for scanning and ICR Regionalization of data entry (delay of one region impact publication of national figures) Inadequate resources (especially with pill up of non processed forms) Estimated number of forms not yet processed (Birth: 3,000,000, death: 400,000, mariage/Divorce: 3,300,000)

3 Strategy Transcript coded information into new forms, suitable for automatic processing via scanning and ICR Centralize processing of vital statistics forms into the centre of automatic reading of documents reuse readily available infrastructures and procuders used to process 2014 population census (software, hardware, archiving, BPM) Carry out processing of paper forms until complete digitalization of Civil registration in Morocco

4 Thank you

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