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Douglas Silas Solicitors

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1 Douglas Silas Solicitors
‘How to Get the Best for My Child’ by James Isaac SEN Specialist, Douglas Silas Solicitors LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR (EDUCATION) LEADING FIRM (EDUCATION) SEN LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR LEADING FIRM (EDUCATION) LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR (EDUCATION) Linked In: Douglas Silas Facebook: douglassilas Google+: +DouglasSilas

2 OVERVIEW Split presentation into 3 parts: The Law and Key Changes
Working Together Appeals to the SEND Tribunal Lots to do in short time (so won’t be able cover everything) Time for questions at end

3 LAW & KEY CHANGES New SEN framework since 1/9/2014
Statements of SEN due to complete transfers to EHCP’s by 1/4/2018 Transfer Reviews (cannot appeal whilst ongoing/vice-versa) Can only appeal refusals to assess/make plans/against contents of EHCP’s (can appeal other things as well but will not be discussing today) Legal test for SEN (probably already covered?)

4 SEN SUPPORT Must maximise child/YP’s access to school
Called ‘Graduated Approach’ 4 step cycle: Assess; Plan; Do; Review If still not sufficient - may need to ask for EHC Needs Assessment with view to EHC Plan (EHCP)

5 Douglas Silas Solicitors
EHC PLANS EHC assessments should lead to EHCP If unhappy, can still appeal against: Refusal to assess Refusal to make EHCP after assessment EHCPs now cover 0-25 and H/C as well as E Supposed to give more holistic view of child/YP Initially need to respond as fully as possible to draft EHCP (also can express preference for school/request PB) If still unhappy when EHCP finalised can appeal: Contents of EHCP (only sections B/F/I) More about appeals later… Linked In: Douglas Silas Facebook: douglassilas Google+: +DouglasSilas

6 SEN PROVISION Section 19 duties under CFA 2014
Additionally see COP 2015 para 6:1 Also see Caselaw - A v Herts. [2006] / Devon v OF [2016] (duty only to provide what is ‘reasonably required’) SEP must be detailed/specific/normally quantified Prov. must also be specified (so no room for doubt) H/C prov. can also be E if it educates/trains If alternative arrangements being made, need to check they are realistic

7 WORKING TOGETHER Always aim for collaborative approach with LA
Build good relationship with LA caseworker Try and keep a ‘paper trail’ (e.g. s after phonecalls) Gather expert evidence/spell out what you want Use mediation/meetings where possible Always bear in mind any appeal deadlines Be courteous but firm Engage an independent advocate to help you (wherever possible)

Can only appeal final EHCP (must first get mediation certificate) Evidence is always key (e.g. EP/SaLT/OT/PT/TVI/THI) Section B usually divided into 4 areas of SEN: Cognition and learning Communication and interaction Sensory and physical Social, emotional and mental health (but may also include self-help/independence) Section F must have meet Section B needs Use Working Documents to clarify disputes Increased legal duties for mainstream schooling Obtaining qualifications post-16/19 not essential

9 FORTHCOMING CHANGES Most appeals made on purely E basis
But from 3/4/18 going to be ‘National Trial’ SEND Trib. Will now make ‘recommendations’ about H/C prov. as well as E/SEP Hope to then take more holistic view of child/YP Should also improve joint-working between different commissioning agencies (e.g. LA/NHS) But any recommendations made by Trib. will still be non-binding

10 Questions

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