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Today’s Agenda Academic Honesty The Plagiarism Spectrum Exit Ticket

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda Academic Honesty The Plagiarism Spectrum Exit Ticket"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda Academic Honesty The Plagiarism Spectrum Exit Ticket
Learning Targets: I can demonstrate my understanding of plagiarism. I can show my willingness to follow the expectations for academic honesty at HHS.

2 Academic Honesty: Expectations
All submitted work is expected to be original to the student. Unless otherwise directed, all work is meant for individual feedback. Cheating of any kind, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated at HHS. If a student submits work that is partially or wholly unoriginal without proper acknowledgement, that student is guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism is the theft of intellectual property and is a serious offense. Ideas that are not considered common knowledge must be cited appropriately. To prevent plagiarism, teachers will help students plan their work and use of resources. For additional writing support and everything you need to know about MLA formatting/citation, check out the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University: or Google “OWL MLA.”

3 The Plagiarism Spectrum
The Plagiarism Spectrum identifies 10 types of plagiarism based on findings from a worldwide survey of nearly 900 secondary and higher education instructors. Each type has been given an easy-to-remember moniker to help students and instructors better identify and discuss the ramifications of plagiarism in student writing.











14 Academic Dishonesty: Consequences
If a teacher suspects plagiarism or cheating of any kind, the teacher will determine the scope of academic dishonesty., department consult, student conference, etc. For intentional and/or excessive cases of academic dishonesty… the teacher will refer the student to administration, make parent contact, assign alternate learning task(s), and re-teach skills as needed; and the student will accept responsibility for the violation, advocate to ensure understanding, and complete the alternate assignment(s) as directed. Additional consequences may be assigned. This is your official notice; you have been informed and warned!

15 Exit Ticket First & Last Name Today’s Date
Write a convincing statement that demonstrates your understanding of plagiarism and shows your willingness to follow our expectations for academic honesty at HHS. Signature

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