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Archaeology South East Archaeological Desk Based Assessment The site has high potential for archaeological remains of medieval date, relating to.

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3 Archaeology South East Archaeological Desk Based Assessment
The site has high potential for archaeological remains of medieval date, relating to a farmstead held by the Order of the Knights of St John. Archaeology South East Archaeological Desk Based Assessment September 2017



6 Haringey demographics
resident population, will increase to by 2020 100+ languages spoken Almost 2/3 of the population are from ethnic minority backgrounds 5th most ethnically diverse borough in the country Ranks as the 29th out of the 32 London boroughs for poverty after housing costs High level of long term conditions such as diabetes The 10th highest diagnosed prevalence of SMI in London High level of childhood obesity Significant health inequalities across the borough


8 Affordable community led housing
Health Environment



11 Our vision for the ‘health’ legacy:
Public health, environment and sustainability standards Specialist/supported housing ‘New’ health services on site An allocation of 15% of the homes for health and social care workers

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