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Safeguarding For prayer spaces

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1 Safeguarding For prayer spaces
UPDATE March 2017

2 Prayer Spaces in Schools
We have the opportunity to lead young people in exploring prayer in schools. We do this through hosting prayer spaces in the high school. IT is important to us that every young person can have the most fulfilling experience in the prayer space therefore safeguarding is important to us

3 Safeguarding... The environment Ourselves Child Protection

4 Environment Keeping the prayer space safe.
Check that you’re happy the area is safe after each session, no wires trailing/scissors on the floor/toppling tables etc Fix or remove anything you think poses a danger. Ask pupils to change their behaviour if they are using equipment in a way that it is unintended to do so and dangerous.

5 Ourselves Keep yourself safe
If a pupil wants to pray in private, take them to the side of the room, but not out of the room. Discuss how the young person likes to pray - resting a hand on their shoulder may or may not be comfortable for them If a child’s prayer discloses something causing concern this needs to be passed on. make them aware of this before you pray.

6 Child Protection When in school we follow the schools child protection policy. If a pupil tells you something concerning, or you notice something concerning, please speak to the accompanying member of school staff before the end of the session. Please Also make the LFIS worker aware of the concern.

7 in this case the LFIS worker will require you to write up what was said as soon after as possible, sign, date and give to them. The LFIS worker will take these to the secure place in the LFIS office. School will also want these notes, or may request you complete one of their own forms and decide on the action. If you are not confident school/Lfis are taking the concern seriously enough, please contact Leeds Social Care and make a referral yourself.

8 Handling a disclosure... Take them to a place out of earshot but not out of sight. Do not promise confidentiality, be honest that you will need to let someone else know. Show acceptance of what the child says (however unlikely the story may sound). Keep calm, try not to display shock (be aware of your facial expression). Look at the child directly, display warmth and affirmation.

9 Handling a disclosure... Do not communicate blame for the abuse, even when a child may have broken a rule. Be aware that the child may have been bribed or threatened not to tell. Never push for information. If a child chooses not to tell you after all accept that and communicate that you are always there to listen. Do not ask them why? who? when? how? Do not question them as to whether their allegation is true. ANY QUESTIONS?

10 Guidelines on physical contact
Keep everything public Touch should be initiated by the child and based on the relationship with the child. For instance a hug with a member of your own youth group would be more acceptable than hugging their friend the first time you’ve met. Be gentle but firm if a child wants physical contact that goes beyond these guidelines or with what you feel comfortable Check how a young person would like to pray: a hand on the shoulder may or may not be appropriate. No further physical contact is appropriate.

11 spiritual abuse It is our job to allow young people to develop their faith at their own pace. Never force a young person to agree to a belief statement or take part in prayer that they don’t want to. Don’t try to manipulate emotions, of shame, guilt or fear to persuade a child to engage spiritually.

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