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Tanka and Haiku English II.

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1 Tanka and Haiku English II

2 Tanka Short verse form that began early in Japanese history and still survives today Has to do with social needs, obligations and past times Defining feature is syllable count- 31 syllables (5,7,5,7,7)

3 English example Snow upon the hills Ice along frozen rivers
These for you I trod Yet for all that never lost The way to be lost in you

4 Haiku Shorter verse form of Tanka
Consists of only 17 syllables (5,7,5- the 1st half of the tanka)

5 Famous Japanese poets Ki Ysurayuki (died 945c.)- chief aid of emperor Diago Assembled one of the largest anthologies of Japanese poetry, the Kokinshu Ono Komachi ( )- early tanka poet whose poems are characterized by passion and energy Priest Jakuren ( )- Buddist priest and prominent tanka poet whose poems are filled with beautiful yet melancholy imagery

6 Poets continued Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)- greatest Japanese haiku poet
Yosa Buson ( )- widely regarded as the second-greatest Japanese haiku poet Kobayashi Issa ( ) considered to be on the same level as Buson, after his death, wrote haikus that reflect appreciation for the hardships faced by the common people

7 Literary Analysis Tanka- most prevalent verse form in traditional Japanese literature Most include at least one caesura or pause Both haikus and Tanka poems use vivid imagery- language that appeals to the senses

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