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Graffiti Costs – Money and Lives

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Presentation on theme: "Graffiti Costs – Money and Lives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graffiti Costs – Money and Lives
The Missouri Department of Transportation

2 Have you thought about…
Would you allow your friends to paint on your parents’ house or car for fun? Who would pay for your property to be restored if this happened to you? Vandalism is against the law! How could a criminal record affect your future? How would you feel if your graffiti caused a crash that killed someone?

3 This equipment is here to save lives.
The graffiti is a distraction and can cause inattentive driving which can result in crashes, injuries, and even death. By damaging state owned and maintained signals and roads, not only are you damaging the equipment, but it's also equipment used to save lives. The traffic lights control traffic on Route 94 and Route D, the same highways that you and your friends drive on. Spraying and covering the signal lights could make a driver think they have a green light, when they don't. The person injured or killed by this senseless act could be your family member or friend.

4 You put your own safety at risk when performing this illegal act!

5 YOU! Who pays for it? Graffiti damage costs thousands of dollars.
Responsible parties can and will be charged for the cost to repair damages from vandalism. If the responsible party can’t be found, the tax-payers pay for it. Who are the tax-payers in Missouri?

6 Vandalism is a Crime!

7 The Missouri Department
of Transportation Graffiti: More than a prank; a real danger to you, your family, and your loved ones


9 Painting the state highway is not a right of passage!
It is the criminal offense of Property Damage. You will be arrested If the damage is in excess of it is a felony Property damage 1st degree is a Class D Felony Mo. State Statue

10 Definition: A person commits the crime of Property Damage
1st Degree if that person knowingly damages the property of another and the damage exceeds $ You will have to hire an Attorney. You will have Attorney fees that could be thousands of dollars You will have a Felony arrest record. Felonies stay on your record forever It will be an embarrassment to both you and your family. It will be difficult to get a decent job with an arrest record It could cost you your life! Think before you consider being involved in this illegal activity. Are you willing to pay the price?

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