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Acumen (n) Keenness of insight; quickness or accuracy of judgment

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1 Acumen (n) Keenness of insight; quickness or accuracy of judgment
Syn: perspicacity, shrewdness, acuity Ant: ignorance, stupidity **accuracy

2 Adjudicate (v) To act as judge in a matter; to settle through the use of a judge or legal tribunal Syn: arbitrate, referee, mediate **Judge, judicial

3 Anachronism (n) A chronological misplacing of events, object, customs, or persons in regard to each other Syn: chronological error ***anti-chronological

4 Apocryphal (adj) Of doubtful or questionable authenticity
Syn: fictitious, spurious, bogus Ant: similarity, likeness, congruity **mythical

5 Disparity (n) A difference or inequality in age, rank, degree, amount, or quality; a dissimilarity, unlikeness Syn: discrepancy, incongruity Ant: similarity, likeness, congruity ***discrepancy

6 Dissimulate (v) To hide or disguise one’s true thoughts, feelings, or intentions Syn: dissemble, pretend, misrepresent Ant: reveal **deceive

7 Empirical (adj) Derived from, dependent upon, or guided by practical experience, observation, or experiment, rather than by theory Syn: observed, experiential, pragmatic Ant: theoretical, hypothetical, conjectural **empirical evidence

8 Flamboyant (adj) Highly elaborate or ornate; vividly colored; strikingly brilliant or bold Syn: showed, florid Ant: sedate, staid **flashy

9 Fulsome (adj) Offensively insincere or excessive; disgusting, sickening Syn: inordinate, repulsive Ant: restrained, understated, muted **full of it

10 Immolate (v) To kill as a sacrifice, especially by fire; to destroy or renounce for the sake of another Syn: slay, kill Ant: save, rescue **annihilate

11 Imperceptible (adj) Extremely slight; incapable of being perceived by the senses or the mind Syn: minimal, undetectable Ant: conspicuous, noticeable **NOT perceivable

12 Lackey (n) A uniformed male servant; a servile follower
Syn: footman, toady Ant: lord, liege, employer, boss **flunky

13 Liaison (n) Contact or means of communication between groups; someone acting as such a contact Syn: intermediary, channel ** link

14 Monolithic (adj) Characterized by massiveness, solidness, and total uniformity Syn: massive, dense Ant: diversified, variform **mammoth

15 Mot juste (n) The most suitable or exact word or expression
syn: right word Ant: misnomer, misusage ***mot = word, juste=just) (Just the right word)

16 Nihilism (n) A total rejection of existing laws, institutions, and moral values; extreme radicalism Ant: conservatism **radicalism

17 Patrician (n) A member of the ruling class; a person of high or noble rank or of prominent social standing (adj) belonging to, befitting or characteristic of such a person **privileged

18 Propitiate (v) To make someone or something favorably inclined toward oneself; to conciliate, satisfy, or appease Syn: placate, mollify Ant: estrange, alienate **pacify

19 Sic (adv) Thus so; intentionally written so

20 Sublimate (v) To redirect the energy of a biological or instinctual impulse into a higher or more acceptable channel Syn: rechannel, elevate **suppress

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