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Congress: how is it organized?

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Presentation on theme: "Congress: how is it organized?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress: how is it organized?
Parties: Majority party House: Speaker, Majority Leader and Minority Leader Whips Senate: Majority Leader

2 Procedures Rules: play bigger role in House (Senate is more informal)
Filibuster Standing Committees (19 in House, 17 in Senate) Select Committees, Joint Committees, Conference Committees Committee Chairs

3 Processes Authorization Process: Process that authorizes, or establishes by statute, a government program (or continues one already in existence) Appropriations Process: The separate process of funding, or providing appropriations for, programs that have been authorized

4 Staff and Support Agencies
Congressional Research Service (CRS) General Accounting Office (GAO) Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

5 Other activities of Congress:
Oversight of executive branch -Investigations, impeachment

6 Judging the Congress Criticisms: inefficiency, logrolling, distributive tendency, corruption Trust in Congress relatively low

7 Reforming the Congress?
Term limits Campaign finance reform


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