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How long is a term of office for a President and how many terms does the 22nd amendment limit them to? (167) Which amendment states that the Vice-President.

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Presentation on theme: "How long is a term of office for a President and how many terms does the 22nd amendment limit them to? (167) Which amendment states that the Vice-President."— Presentation transcript:

1 How long is a term of office for a President and how many terms does the 22nd amendment limit them to? (167) Which amendment states that the Vice-President shall assume the presidency if the President is incapacitated? (169) Bell ringer 18 1

2 President Donald Trump

3 Vice-President Mike Pence

4 Speaker of The House Paul Ryan

5 President Pro-Tempore of the Senate
Orrin Hatch

6 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

7 The Federalist Papers #39, #70, and #78
James Madison and Alexander Hamilton The Federalist Papers #39, #70, and #78 Assignments 9, 10, 11 (14 pages) Pages 41-54

8 How many members are there in the House and Senate? (Page 139)
How long is a term of office for a member of the House and Senate? (page 139) What are the qualifications to be a member of the House and Senate? (page 151) Bell ringer 19 8

9 Make any laws necessary an proper (elastic clause)
Make Law-Legislate Make any laws necessary an proper (elastic clause) Both houses must pass the same version of a bill to become law Bills can be introduced by Senators or Representatives only Taxing and Spending Tax bills must start in the House Authorization bills start projects Appropriations bills provide money Approval of Appointments Senate has power to approve or reject Presidential appointments Cabinet, judges, ambassadors Foreign Relations Senate has power to approve or reject treaties Congress Declares War Impeach and Remove Officials House impeaches officials (accuse) Senate has trial and removes Limits on Power Cannot suspend habeas corpus (hold in prison) No bill of attainder (jail with no trial) No ex post facto law (make an act a crime after it is committed) Oversight & Investigation Review the effectiveness of law Conduct special investigations Subpoena witnesses

10 Executive (President) Legislative (Congress)
Checks and Balances Executive (President) Legislative (Congress) Judicial (Courts) Check on Legislative Check on Executive Same Check on Executive and Legislative Check on Judicial

11 How a Bill Becomes a Law Introduce the bill Introduce the bill
Public bill Private bill Revenue bill Resolution Authorization Appropriation Impeachment Public bill private bill Resolutions Authorization Appropriation Removal Bill is written Bill is written Introduce the bill Introduce the bill Conference Committees Committee Action (change, kill-pigeonhole, approve) Work out Differences Committee Action (change, kill-pigeonhole, approve) Standing Committees Select Committees Standing Committees Select Committees Floor Action (read, debate, change, vote) Floor Action (read, debate, change, vote Transferred to Senate Or to President if approved from Senate Transferred to House Or to President if approved from House 2/3 override 2/3 override To President sign, veto, pocket veto or allow to become law without signing

12 Pigeon Hole

13 13

14 Lobbyists 14

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