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Leonardo – EMCET-2 European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies ECAP Foundation – (USR Ecap) Activities and experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Leonardo – EMCET-2 European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies ECAP Foundation – (USR Ecap) Activities and experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leonardo – EMCET-2 European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies ECAP Foundation – (USR Ecap) Activities and experiences Engagement in Emcet-2 Project (Short presentation by Filippo Bignami) Radom (PL), January 5th-7th 2006

2 R&D activities (USR - Ufficio Studi e Ricerche in Lugano)
Established in promoted from CGIL (trade union) and Colonie Libere - Federation of Italian Migrants Associations in Switzerland; since 1983 is a Foundation, according to Swiss law - partner of: trade unions: SGB, CGIL, CC.OO., CGTP... SVEB/FSEA - Swiss Federation of Cont.Vocational Training other local Foundations and Research centers 8 Training Centers - Zürich, Basel, Luzern, Wintherthur, Solothurn, Aarau, Lugano, Bern Training (ca training hours yearly, 3/4.000 people involved coming from 60 national groups) R&D activities (USR - Ufficio Studi e Ricerche in Lugano) One italian autonomous little company of consulence (Ecap Consulenze), based in Como

3 Our evolution

4 Our target groups today
Migrants: old immigration communities (from Italy, Spain, Portugal…) and new immigration’s flows (from Eastern countries, Asia, etc.) Low qualified workers, “blue collars” - building industry, manufactures Unemployed and other job seekers Women Local institutions, teachers, trainers: expertise, transfert of competences

5 Main fields of activity
Support in migrants social and economic integration (knowledge of local languages, rights, welfare systems, etc.) Vocational training - industrial and building industry sectors; services... New technologies for low skilled persons Support in job research, assessment courses Entrepreneurial training, local development and start-up services Training of the trainers, social operators, consultants...

6 Main fields of activity
Member of FSEA (Federazione Svizzera Educazione Adulti) Offers training of the trainers in modular approach, within Fsea’s pianification. Issue: skills for vocational training to adults 3 phases: Analisys of needs and of the priciples of teaching Practical transfer Reflection and debriefing

7 Experiences in the field of didactic tools preparation and new information technologies
During the ‘70 / ‘80 - mainly focused on languages learning; special didactic tools to foster “communication’s skills” (also linked to job security and safety…) During the 90’ - development of informatic courses in different languages; ECAP is certified center for SIZ and ECDL qualifications; development of hardware and “lan” courses for workers of the electronic and “domotic” industry (participation to the Leonardo Project Electricity) 2000 to nowadays - ECDL “on line”, research in the field of distance training and e-learning for low skilled workers

8 Leonardo - Issues of interests and expectations
Benchmarking - Comparing paths, training approaches and metodologies, opportunity to participate to the software implementation, to test the transferability in our local activities “Learning” - new didactic methods, new instruments, new approaches / new experiences in the field of e-learnig environment “Helping” - transfer our experiences - particularly in training and coaching and in application of modular training; working together; providing communication opportunities (different languages)

9 Leonardo – EMCET-2 Proposal concerning our contribution to the different WP
WP-1 – contribution to the updating of the situation at Country level WP-2 – coordination and contribution in ENMTP and cooperation with national networks WP-3 – contribution in dissemination and production of materials

10 for more details:

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