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History Webquest By Elvira and Emily.

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Presentation on theme: "History Webquest By Elvira and Emily."— Presentation transcript:

1 History Webquest By Elvira and Emily

2 Introduction This webquest is a designed research project.
You will be researching one famous person in history, with your group of 3. You make pick from one of the following:

3 Instructions for Group
You will draw a number from a hat. Two other people in the class will have that number. Also, each person that can be researched has already been given a number.

4 Over the next 2 weeks… The first week will be used as a time for research in class. The second week will be used for presentations! Presentation days are volunteered. If no one volunteers, then we pick.

5 Research Project Research your person.
Task Process Research your person. Prepare a presentation of your choice. Examples: PowerPoint, poster, skit, etc. Click on the picture of the person you were assigned. The picture will take you to a slide with links about this person. Make sure the rubric is finished!

6 Roles for Group Members
Early Life: Research about childhood and teen years. When/Where they were born, who were their parents, and did they have any siblings, what schools they attended. Were there any indications during their early years that they might contribute to society? Accomplishments: Research about why that person is influence to society. What were some of their well-known accomplishments? Why do we study about them? How has their contribution impacted society today? Were there any hardships that they had to overcome? Later Life: Research about the final years of the person. When did the person pass away? What were some last contributions that they did before the person passed away? You can also discuss about some interesting facts that were not mentioned by your other group members. One person of the group will research one of these sections. All sections must be researched. Who will search what is a decision that will be made by the group.

7 Rubric

8 Presentation Day Everything must be turned in on the day you present.
Nothing can be late. If a group member is absent, just say so, and we will take care of it. You must dress professionally.

9 EXTRA CREDIT!!!! For extra credit and a little bit of fun, dress up as a character of that time period! 10 points extra credit to each group member that dresses up! P.s. It must be obvious that you are dressed from that time period.

10 Abe Lincoln

11 Albert Einstein

12 George Washington

13 Jackie Robinson

14 Martin Luther King Jr.

15 Susan B. Anthony

16 Thomas Edison

17 Works Cited Thomas Edison Second Slide: Abe Lincoln Second Slide
Abe Lincoln Second Slide George Washington Second Slide Susan B. Anthony Second Slide Jackie Robinson Second Slide Albert Einstein Second Slide

18 Works Cited pg. 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Second Slide
All Images from 3rd Slide from ClipArt Books 5th Slide Research 5th Slide Person on Books 5th Slide Yell Volunteer 5th Slide Volunteers 5th Slide

19 Works Cited pg. 3 Ooo Pick Me! 5th Slide No Late Work 7th Slide
No Late Work 7th Slide Dressed Professionally 7th Slide Procrastination Meme 7th Slide Girls Dressed Up 8th Slide Boy Dressed Up 8th Slide

20 Works Cited pg. 4 Cartoon Girl 8h Slide Abe Lincoln Slide Picture
Abe Lincoln Slide Picture Albert Einstein Slide Picture George Washington Slide Picture Jackie Robinson Slide Picture Martin Luther King Jr. Slide Picture

21 Works Cited pg. 5 Susan B. Anthony Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison

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