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Social Studies Essential UNIT Question: How did geography influence the development of the Eastern hemisphere?

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies Essential UNIT Question: How did geography influence the development of the Eastern hemisphere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies Essential UNIT Question: How did geography influence the development of the Eastern hemisphere?

2 DO-NOW: Place Homework # 18 in portfolio; Update Table of Contents;

3 Focus Question: How did City-States emerge in the Fertile Crescent? (Part 2)

4 The First City States of Sumaria:
Ur Uruk Eridu Kish Nippur Nineveh Babylon

5 The Rise of Warrior Kings
Men who showed intelligence, strength and a sharp military mind, rose to prominence, which is to say, became the kings and rulers of city states; Kings needed other men to help them run the city; These men became the first civil servants or government workers who were loyal to the king; As a result, the first governments developed. Cities built walled fortifications to protect its citizens from enemies who jealously competed for food, precious metals and access to important waterways; Eventually, rulers of cities asked the following question, Why should I trade for things when I can raise an army and take what I want from other cities?

6 Continued: As a result, empires were formed.
An empire is a group of lands and people ruled by one king and his government.

7 Technological Triumphs!
The Sumarians developed the wagon wheel by accident, which is considered one of the great inventions of human history! Originally, the spinning wheel was used to make and shape pottery; Someone using his “divergent intelligence”, probably saw the pottery wheel and dreamed the following: Let’s use the wheel to transport trade goods and carry people to and from, especially armies in chariots, which gave Sumarian people a great advantage in wartime.

8 The Rise of Family &Religious Life:
Religious life flourished with the rise of “polytheistic” religions, which is a belief in more than one god. Ziggurats were temples erected/built in honor of the gods; they featured stunning terraces and a dramatic ramp-way that led to the heavens. Families worked hard but there was time for entertainment. They attended festivals, honored their gods and told exciting stories about life, adventure and death.

9 The First Historical Figures & Legends:
Enheduana: She was a priestess who honored the gods and wrote poetry. Sargon: Enheduana’s father and the region’s first “emperor” who conquered many city-states. Gilgamesh: A folk legend and hero of a poem; he had many adventures but never found the secret to eternal life.

10 Activity: Using the VENN diagram and your notes, please compare the Old Stone Age with the New Stone Age!

11 Homework #20: Answer the questions on the handout (front & back);
Due Date: Next meeting of class.

12 Today I Learned . . .

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