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Power Efficient Range Assignment in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks

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Presentation on theme: "Power Efficient Range Assignment in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Efficient Range Assignment in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks
E. Althaus Max-Plank-Institut fur Informatik G. Calinescu Illinois Institute of Technology I.I. Mandoiu UC San Diego S. Prasad Georgia State University N. Tchervenski Illinois Institute of Technology A. Zelikovsky Georgia State University

2 Outline Motivation Previous work Approximation results
Experimental Study WCNC 2003

3 Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
Applications in battlefield, disaster relief, etc No wired infrastructure Battery operated  power conservation critical WCNC 2003

4 Power Attenuation Model
Signal power falls inversely proportional to dk, k[2,4] Transmission range radius ~ k-th root of power Omni-directional antennas Uniform power attenuation coefficient k Uniform transmission efficiency coefficients Uniform receiving sensitivity thresholds  Transmission range = disk centered at the node Symmetric power requirements Power(u,v) = Power(v,u) WCNC 2003

5 Asymmetric Connectivity
Power ranges b a c d g f e Connectivity graph a b d g f e c Multi-hop ACK! a b d g f e c WCNC 2003

6 Symmetric Connectivity
a 2 3 1 b d g f e c Asymmetric Connectivity Increase range of “b” by 1 Decrease range of “g” by 2 a 2 1 b d g f e c Symmetric Connectivity Per link acknowledgements WCNC 2003

7 Problem Formulation Given: set of nodes, coefficient k
Find: power levels for each node s.t. Symmetrically connected path between any two nodes Total power is minimized WCNC 2003

8 Power-cost of a Tree Node power = power required by longest edge
Tree power-cost = sum of node powers f c g b a h e WCNC 2003

9 Reformulation of Min-power Problem
Given: set of nodes, coefficient k Find: spanning tree with minimum power-cost WCNC 2003

10 Previous Work Max power objective Total power objective
MST is optimal [Lloyd et al. 02] Total power objective NP-hardness [Clementi,Penna,Silvestri 00] MST gives factor 2 approximation [Kirousis et al. 00] 1+ln2  1.69 approximation [Calinescu,M,Zelikovsky 02] d WCNC 2003

11 Our results 5/3 approximation factor Optimum branch-and-cut algorithm
NP-hard to approximate within log(#nodes) for asymmetric power requirements Optimum branch-and-cut algorithm practical up to nodes New heuristics + experimental study WCNC 2003

12 MST Algorithm Power cost of the MST is at most 2 OPT
(1) power cost of any tree is at most twice its cost p(T) = u maxv~uc(uv)  u v~u c(uv) = 2 c(T) (2) power cost of any tree is at least its cost (1) (2) p(MST)  2 c(MST)  2 c(OPT)  2 p(OPT) WCNC 2003

13 Tight Example  Power cost of MST is n
1+  1 Power cost of MST is n Power cost of OPT is n/2 (1+ ) + n/2   n/2 n points WCNC 2003

14 Gain of a Fork Fork = pair of edges sharing an endpoint
Gain of fork F = decrease in power cost obtained by adding F’s edges to T deleting longest edges from the two cycles of T+F Gain = =3 a b d g f e c 12 2 h 8 10 13 13(+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+3) 2(-10) WCNC 2003

15 Approximation Algorithms
Every tree can be decomposed into a union of forks s.t. sum of power-costs = at most 5/3 x tree power-cost  Min-Power Symmetric connectivity can be approximated within a factor of 5/3 +  for every >0 WCNC 2003

16 Experimental Setting Random instances with up to 100 points
Compared algorithms Edge switching WCNC 2003

17 Edge Switching Heuristic
a b d g f e c 12 2 h 4 15 10 13 2 WCNC 2003

18 Edge Switching Heuristic
Delete edge a b d g f e c 12 2 h 4 13 2 WCNC 2003

19 Edge Switching Heuristic
Delete edge Reconnect with min increase in power-cost a b d g f e c 12 2 h 4 13 15 2 WCNC 2003

20 Experimental Setting Random instances with up to 100 points
Compared algorithms Edge switching Distributed edge switching Edge + fork switching Incremental power-cost Kruskal Branch and cut Greedy fork-contraction WCNC 2003

21 Greedy Fork Contraction Algorithm
Start with MST Find fork with max gain Contract fork Repeat WCNC 2003

22 Percent Improvement Over MST
WCNC 2003

23 Percent Improvement Over MST
WCNC 2003

24 Runtime (CPU seconds) WCNC 2003

25 Summary Efficient algorithms that reduce power consumption compared to MST algorithm Can be modified to handle obstacles, power level upper-bounds, etc. Ongoing research Improved approximations / hardness results Multicast Dynamic version of the problem (still constant factor) WCNC 2003

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