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Four Function of the new system

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1 Four Function of the new system
Annual Evaluations: Rate and comment on employee’s performance (required) Goals Management: Establish goals and rate goals during the annual review Professional Development Plan: Establish and track professional development goals 360 Feedback: Collect performance feedback from key stakeholders for purposes of development

2 PMGM High Level Schedule

3 Most Commonly Selected Functions by Group

4 What is new in Goals Management?
1a. Create/Add/Edit annual evaluation goals Establish goal name*, description, metric, visibility, weight*, start/end/due dates*, % complete, status, university initiatives. Select from sample goals and metrics and customize to fit your needs. *indicates a required field 1b. Cascade goals to direct reports Supervisors and leaders can efficiently assign one or more goals to specific individuals or an entire team. 1c. Goals dashboard View and analyze individual and group goals via a customizable dashboard.

5 What is new in Performance Management?
a. Word check Identifies some inappropriate language found in the annual evaluation. However, this tool is not a substitute for evaluation training and/or HR advice. b. Writing Assistant Use system-generated language to quick start the comment writing process. c. Administrative control Supervisors can direct the system to advance to the next phase of the process and/or move back to previous phases in the goals management and performance management process. d. Employee Self-Assessment Staff are encouraged to summarize their work accomplishments in writing. e. Manager Assessment Enter annual performance ratings and provide written comments. f. Spell check Check for correct spelling. g. Upload attachments Append files to the annual review. h. One on one meeting Meet to discuss annual review results. i. Sign and leave final comments Employee provides electronic signature to acknowledge receipt of evaluation and can leave final comments.

6 What is new in Professional Development?
Professional Development Plan NEW 3a. Create/Add/Edit development goals Establish development goal name*, development goal description*, visibility, start/end dates*, status, competency. *indicates a required field 3b. Development dashboard View and analyze development goals via a customizable dashboard.

7 What is new with the 360 Feedback System?
360 Feedback Surveys NEW 4a. Launch annual employee 360 feedback surveys The supervisor and employee establish participant list, feedback questions, and distribute multiple employee 360 surveys during a single performance period. This survey is designed to collect important peer, colleague, and stakeholder perceptions. 4c. 360 report 360 summary reports are made available to supervisors.

8 Stakeholder Adoption and Feedback Strategy
Where are we now? Stakeholder Adoption and Feedback Strategy Awareness Messaging Training June – September 2018 January - February 2019 July - September 2018

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