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Quick Review of Indian History

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Review of Indian History"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Review of Indian History
Harappan Indo European (Hellenistic Culture) Alexander the Great And Mauryan

2 India Establishes an Empire

3 Mauryan Empire Mauryan Empire: the first empire in India, founded by Chandragupta Maurya Chandragupta unifies north India Running the Empire Life in the City and the Country Asoka Grandson of Chandragupta; leader who brought the Mauryan Empire to its greatest height Asoka Promotes Buddhism Religious Toleration: acceptance of people who held different beliefs

4 Period of Turmoil Asoka’s death left a power vacuum
Flood of Greeks, Persians, and Central Asians poured into northern India Southern India experiences turmoil Home to 3 kingdoms that had never been conquered by Mauryans These people spoke the Tamil language (also the people who speak that language are called Tamil) Period of Turmoil

5 Gupta Empire is Established
Gupta Empire: the second empire in India, founded by Chandra Gupta I in 320 A.D. Most Indian families were patriarchal: headed by the eldest male Some Tamil groups were Matriarchal: headed by the mother rather than father

6 Trade Spreads Indian Religions and Culture
What do you remember about Buddhism and Hinduism???? Trade Spreads Indian Religions and Culture Invaders poured into India, bringing new ideas and customs, therefore, Indian culture changed.

7 A more popular form of Buddhism
Religions Change A Hindu Rebirth A more popular form of Buddhism Mahayana: sect of Buddhism that offers salvation to all and allows popular worship Theravada: a sect of Buddhism focusing on the strict spiritual discipline originally advocated by the Buddha Stupas: mounded stone structures built over Buddhist holy relics Brahma: Hindu god considered the creator of the world Vishnu: Hindu god considered the preserver of the world Shiva: Hindu god considered the destroyer of the world

8 Achievements of Indian Culture
Kalidasa: one of India’s greatest writers and may have been the court poet for Chandra Gupta II Silk Roads: system of ancient caravan routes across Central Asia, along which traders carried silk and other trade goods

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