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Project Schematics Circuit Working Principle and Equations

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1 Project Schematics Circuit Working Principle and Equations
Sight Guidance System Mohammed Alyas , Abdulmajeed Alzahrani , Mohammed Errarheb, Adel Alaeou, Navarun Gupta Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT 06604 Abstract Parts The sensor system divided into five to six angles to detect objects and humans on all possible angles for the user. It’s primarily used to detect overflow of water and help detect its movement. Plus, it can be used for property security as to detect any near human approach. As the ultrasonic and infrared are used for better assistance, the user can be guided toward a suitable daily path to take to avoid obstacles and collisions. Once it’s set they are alarmed through sounds and vibrations individually depending on the sensor angle that is attached to hand, shoulders, chest, etc. The range is expected to be implemented depending on user preference. Once the system detects an object in range it will successfully notify them. UNO R3 / MEGA2560 R3 Ultrasonic HC-SR04 Sensor 612 Hollow Cup Motor Vibration 400 Tie/ 830 Tie Point Breadboard Jumpers Introduction In the United States, millions of people live with visual impairment. It affects a substantial amount of activity in daily life including walking, driving, and reading. According to World Access for the Blind, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help blind people navigate their world more efficiently and safely, the biggest struggle blind people have is physical movement often necessitating the need for help from friends and family. Technology has also had a huge impact on improving quality of life for the visually impaired allowing them independence and freedom to rely on themselves. Unfortunately, technology has not given solutions to all of the problems people with visual impairments face especially those suffering from complete blindness. And, the integration of technology has not hit mainstream, thus, these people still have to expect help from those around them. According to a 2009 study, 24% of pedestrian deaths were due to traffic accidents. “Compared to either the normally sighted (P = 0.018) or visually impaired subjects (P= 0.019), blind subjects were the least accurate with their street crossing decisions under the hearing only condition” (Hassan, 2012). Our proposed idea can help decrease the number of traffic accidents of pedestrians and decrease the death toll of blind people. Project Schematics Circuit Working Principle and Equations The project consists of four ultrasonic sensors , three sensor covers three different regions : Left, right and front . Each of these sensors is detecting objects based on the “ time of flight” principle. A high frequency pulse is emitted by the sensor usually in the 20 kHz to 200 kHz range. The pulse is transmitted in a cone having 15 degrees at the apex. When the pulse hits an object it is reflected back the sensor where the pulse is received by the receiver part of the sensor. Basically, the between the pulse and its echo is divided by two, that is the distance to the object. The distance given by this equation: Distance = Time * Speed of Sound/2 Project Discussion The sensors are set on 1.5 meters above ground surface, as well as it adjustable depending on the height of the person and the most stable and liable and readable point. Also, they are inclined slightly downward toward the ground where it gives the user a better walking detection. Lining the Motor Vibrators are distributed separately aligning one vibrator per sensor, giving the user a better approximation of the angle that is detected. One of the disadvantages of the Ultrasonic Sensor is that it is not perfect in front of the sensor’s transmitter and receiver where the object will not be read fast as long as the object in range is not balanced. …. Conclusion …. Our proposed idea is an innovative way for people suffering from complete blindness to integrate into society in a safe manner. It gives them independence and freedom to walk the streets freely without fear and to navigate buildings without assistance. By using the other senses such as sound and touch through vibration, people with severe visual impairment can be alarmed when objects are in their path or when a turn needs to be made to reach their desired destination.

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