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Aim: To what extent does achievement outweigh the cost?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: To what extent does achievement outweigh the cost?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: To what extent does achievement outweigh the cost?

2 As new Russian schoolbooks whitewash Stalin's atrocities, one writer's very personal response.
Over sixty years have passed since Josef Stalin died, unattended by doctors because his closest aides lived in such fear of the Soviet dictator that they dared not even approach his deathbed. But ever since, his ghost, and the ghosts of the 20 million he killed, have refused to lie quiet. Russia is still haunted, and divided, by the memory of this most diabolical of tyrants. But for most modern Russians, he is also the victor of World War II and the greatest hero of the Soviet century. And now the Kremlin is summoning Stalin's spirit in a bid to support a dangerous new brand of Russian nationalism.

3 Civil War-Russia became USSR or Soviet Union
Reds (communists) vs. Whites (monarchists, anti- communists)

4 Red Army Reconquered Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia parts of Poland,

5 Czar Nicholas II and Family

6 Czar Nicholas II and Family Murdered 1918

7 War Communism NEP (New Economic Policy)
-Allowed some small business ownership and free market capitalism (SOME) -Gov. takes only 50% of harvest from peasants, can sell rest Lenin tried to control entire economy via government Set prices, production numbers, etc. Failed, black markets grew Actual DECREASED industrial production

8 ***The Cheka*** Russian secret police begun by Lenin
Precursor to NKVD and KGB Executed thousands under Lenin during Red Terror Allowed for communists to control USSR

9 Death of Lenin 1924

10 Death of Lenin (1924)-Who Replaces Him?
Candidate A. -Led Bolshevik Revolution, skillful speaker -Brilliant Marxist thinker -Close relationship with Lenin -Support for international revolution against capitalism Candidate B. -Shrewd politician -Good political operator, behind-the-scenes -Lenin criticized him for being "too rude" -Former muscle behind revolutionary organizations

11 The Man of Steel, Joseph Stalin

12 Young Stalin

13 Gulag-prison camp in Siberia

14 Documents 1-4


16 Uncle Joe


18 5 Year Plans

19 Great Purge

20 Kulaks and Collectivization
Kulak=middle class peasants w/some land Stalin wanted to collectivize farms (make them communal, extract resources for gov.)


22 Success: Number of industrial workers tripled between and 1940, 4 to 12 million, 3rd in the world in industrial production Steel and coal production increased At the cost of 20 million lives and a totalitarian state: 1 state party, no freedom of speech, religion, state- controlled economy, secret police

23 Soviets able to take on Nazi Germany in World War II


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