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10th World Studies Today’s Agenda:

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Presentation on theme: "10th World Studies Today’s Agenda:"— Presentation transcript:

1 10th World Studies 10.07.16 Today’s Agenda:
Turn in: Nothing Take out: Planner Internet Device Today’s objective: I can describe how art and architecture played a key role in the shifting of power during the Renaissance. Today’s Agenda: Make connections between art, architecture, literature, and “things” changing… HW: Reading/Question Template on my website

2 But first, Steen needs a “Pick-Me-Up”
I don’t care how many times I see this, it always makes me feel better!

3 10/07/16: “Reading & Assessment ?’s” button Follow the directions…
10th World Studies Go to Steen’s website 10/07/16: “Reading & Assessment ?’s” button Follow the directions… Save the template so you can turn it in…to by Tuesday 7:25am

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