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Vocabulary Words World Literature The House on Mango Street

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1 Vocabulary Words World Literature The House on Mango Street
Part 1

2 Chandelier Although my friend’s house seems modest, she has an elaborate chandelier over the dining room table.

3 Chandelier Definition: n.—an ornate, branched lighting fixture; typically hanging from the ceiling Synonyms: candelabrum, light fixture

4 Brim He sat up, and a look of alarm peered out from under the brim of his hat. .

5 Brim Definition: n.—a projecting edge, particularly on a hat
Synonyms: edge, border, fringe, perimeter Antonyms: center, middle, inside

6 Linoleum The floor in our kitchen is an ugly green linoleum.

7 Linoleum Definition: n.—a hard, washable floor covering, usually in various colors and patterns Synonyms: tile, parquet, flooring

8 Canteen If the weather outside is nice, we like to eat lunch outside instead of in the canteen.

9 Canteen Definition: n.—a place, as in a factory, school, or summer camp,where refreshments and sometimespersonal supplies are sold Synonyms: snack bar, mess hall, lounge

10 Spartan They lead a rather spartan life, with very few comforts and no luxuries..

11 Spartan Definition: adj.—suggestive of the ancient Spartans; sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, or austere Synonyms: brave, hardy, plain, courageous Antonyms: ornate, lush

12 Anemic If I appear anemic, it’s because I haven’t eaten in a couple of days.

13 Anemic Definition: adj.—lacking power, vitality, or spirit; listless, weak Synonyms: frail, weak, sickly Antonyms: healthy, strong

14 Totter Disoriented, I had no choice but to totter towards the edge of the skating rink to grab hold of the wall before I fell again. totter

15 Totter Definition: v—move without being stable, as if threatening to fall Synonyms: stumble, lurch, stagger Antonyms: steady, stabile, calm

16 Sassy The sassy girl shouted at her father, “Out of our way, you old geezer!”

17 Sassy Definition: adj.—improperly forward or bold
Synonym: bold, audacious, saucy Antonym: polite, modest

18 Fleck If there is even one fleck of brown on my white car, it is basically a blight on my eyes and I must get rid of it.

19 Fleck Definition: n.—a speck; a small bit; a spot or small patch of color or light Synonyms: speck, dot, spot Antonyms: chunk, slab

20 Jut The narrow strip of land juts out into the bay.

21 Jut Definition: v.—to extend beyond the main body or line; project; protrude Synonyms: bulge, protrude, stick out Antonyms: indent, recede

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