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The Five Themes of Geography

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1 The Five Themes of Geography
Location Interaction Between People and Environment Region Place Movement

2 The Five Themes: Portland

3 Location: Where in the world a certain area is
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Longitude: West degrees Latitude: North degrees Located in the Willamette Valley between the Coast Range and the Cascade Range at the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers.

4 Interaction between Humans/Environment: How people adapt to their environment
Portland has a number of bridges that span the rivers that divide the city.

5 Place: What an area looks like in both physical and human terms
The physical characteristics of Portland include a mild marine climate with wet winters and nearby forests. In human terms, most Portland residents are of European ancestry, but the city is becoming more ethnically diverse. Lots of slackers and hipsters, especially in Southeast!



8 Region: Any area that has common characteristics
Portland is located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is considered a part of “Cascadia”, a bioregion that includes Western Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, Idaho, Montana and parts of California


10 Movement: The transfer of People, goods and Ideas from one place to another
The Port of Portland imports over 400,000 automobiles from Asia every year.

11 The Portland metropolitan region added 40,621 new residents from 2014 to 2015, a growth rate of 1.72 percent.

12 That's like two full TriMet buses every day for a year -- enough to rank the region number 19 on the list of US metro areas with the greatest number of new residents.

13 The new estimates show the 7-county greater Portland region just shy of the 2.4 million population mark, with 2,389,228 residents as of July 1, 2015. As with the year before, more than two-thirds of the region's growth came from people moving here.

14 Goods being imported and exported by the Port of Portland

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