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Leading Your Church’s Sunday School with Nothing Less than Your Best

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Your Church’s Sunday School with Nothing Less than Your Best"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading Your Church’s Sunday School with Nothing Less than Your Best
Breakout: Sunday School Directors

2 And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

3 Christ calls us to give Him our best (Colossians 3:17) The church’s Sunday School deserves the best from its leadership Leaders are influencers. John Maxwell

4 7 Places to Give Your Best
Leadership Enlistment Leadership Training Ministry to Members Outreach to the Lost Commitment to Grow Leading Leaders Personal Growth

5 Leadership Enlistment
Most churches have enlisted their problems. Allan Taylor Sunday School Director LifeWay

6 Leadership Enlistment
Nothing Less Than My Best… Enlist personally Enlist with a job description or expectations Enlist to a specific ministry (teacher, director, etc) Enlist in advance Enlist new leaders all year

7 An untrained soldier is target practice for the enemy. Fort Bliss
Leadership Training An untrained soldier is target practice for the enemy. Fort Bliss

8 Leadership Training Nothing Less Than My Best…
Design a training plan with the pastor Avoid announcements at a leadership meeting that can be shared in an (attendance, offering, events, etc) Frequency of training opportunities are tied to your ability to offer the best at each one. Ask your leaders for training ideas Participate in association or regional training opportunies

9 offers online training with over 200 training videos Plus weekly doctrine previews of Bible Studies for Life and Explore the Bible curriculum from LifeWay.

10 Ministry to Members Let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together… but encouraging each other. Hebrews 10:24-25

11 Ministry to Members Nothing Less Than Our Best in ministering to members Members need ministry Sunday School is the best platform to deliver ministry to every member God’s people deserve better than disorganized member care (Exodus 18:13-23)

12 Ministry to Members Never-Evers Part Timers Need – Redemption Need – Connection Minister – Occasional follow Minister – Fellowship and up, look for ministry opps more opps to connect Core Guests Need – Let go Need – Safe environment Minister – Offer mentoring Minister – Environment to opportunities ask questions about the Gospel

13 Ministry to Members Develop Care Groups (of 5 people) in every adult group Include associate members (members serving elsewhere) Make sure every group has one person from each of the four categories. Contact everyone frequently

14 Outreach to the Lost “Follow Me”, Jesus said to them, “and I will make you fishers of people.” Mark 1:17

15 Outreach to the Lost Nothing Less than Our Best in evangelism
Work with pastor to offer evangelism training twice a year Develop an outreach plan to follow-up quickly with guests to worship, VBS, camps, & events. Emphasize connecting each guest to a specific small group.

16 Outreach to the Lost Enroll, enroll, enroll – One out of every three lost people that enroll in Sunday School will get saved in one year. View evangelism as a group opportunity. How many more people would your church baptize if every group in the church led one person to Christ each year?

17 Commit to Grow Every new group started increases church attendance by an average of 10 people. Bruce Raley Groups Matter

18 Commit to Grow Commit to start 1 new group every year for every 100 people in attendance. Less than… 100 = 1 new group 200 = 2 new groups 300 = 3 new groups

19 Commit to Grow New groups… Bring change to the church
Make room for new people Involve more people in leadership Expand the church’s capacity to minister to more people Helps the Sunday School focus “out” as well as “in”

20 Lead Leaders Nothing Less than My Best as a “leader of leaders”
Someone in the church needs to be the expert on Sunday School. It ought to be you. Read everything you can about Sunday School Small things matter! Pass little s, links, or notes about Sunday School to the leaders. Offer informal opportunities; breakfast, coffee, etc, to share little things with your leaders

21 Leadership… leaks. Bill Hybels
Personal Growth Leadership… leaks. Bill Hybels

22 Personal Growth Nothing Less than My Best in my own personal growth
Maintain a time of daily devotion Leadership leaks… You are leaking leadership to others. If you do not refill your leadership tank through Bible study, prayer, and spiritual disciplines… eventually you will become dry and lose your influence.

23 Take it forward… What have you learned from this seminar? Share 1 idea you need to implement right now. Share 1 idea you need to implement in 3 months. Share 1 idea you need to implement this year.

24 Resources Sunday School that Really Works series by Steve Parr Sunday School Matters video training by LifeWay.

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