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7-1.3 Key Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "7-1.3 Key Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 7-1.3 Key Terms

2 7-1.3 *Armada- fleet of warships *Trading Post Colony- outposts for the purpose of trade *Plantation Colony- produced cash crops *Cash Crops- one or two products grown for a profit *Settler Colony- territories governed by a homeland- more permanent

3 7-1.3 Viceroys- royal representatives from Spain
Encomienda System- Spain gave landowners the right to use Native Americans for labor.

4 7-1.3 Tenant farmers- farmers that paid rent and
worked a fixed number of days each year for a landowner in return for a place to live Coureurs de bois- “Runners in the woods” or French fur trappers

5 7-1.3 Charters- written agreements
Representative Assemblies- assemblies where representatives speak for the people.

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