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Young’s double slit experiment & Spatial coherence of light

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1 Young’s double slit experiment & Spatial coherence of light
Ivana Hamarová 2016 Ladislav Stanke 2017

2 Monochromatic plane wave propagating along axis z
Electrical field Phase j amplitude l l j = 2p

3 Monochromatic plane wave
Electrical field Phase j amplitude l l j = 2p crests troughs

4 What is actually measured?
Typically we use CCDs, photodiodes, etc. Thus, intensity/power is measured instead of electric field E Power is proportional to the square of electric field Intensity where For simplicity we often put: Impedance of free space Then we get simple relation

5 wavefronts Plane wave Spherical wave

6 Young’s double slit experiment

7 Young’s double slit experiment
Path difference Phase difference x z Constructive interference + Destructive interference +

8 Young’s double slit experiment
z D >> a, a >> l Dj.. phase difference d… path difference a….distance between slits D…distance between slits and observation plane Period of interference pattern

9 Effect of slit width on the interference pattern
light block

10 Monochromatic plane wave
Electrical field Phase j amplitude l l j = 2p

11 Monochromatic plane wave
Electric field amplitude Phase j E j = 0 …t1, E(z0,t1) j = p/2 …t2, E(z0,t2) j= p …t3, E(z0,t3) z0 z

12 Phase at two points x1, x2 x j1 = 0 …t1 j 1= p/2 …t2 x1 j 1= p …t3
z phase difference between two points j 2 - j 1 = Dj = 0, 0, 0 is constant in time = spatially coherent light

13 Phase at two points x1, x2 Disturbance (x) (x,t) x x1 z x2

14 Phase at two points x1, x2 t1 t2 Disturbance (x,t1) x x1 z x2
phase difference between two points j 2 - j 1 = Dj ≠ konst is not constant in time =spatially incoherent light

15 Complex degree of spatial coherence g(Δx)
..describes spatial coherence of light ..a measure of the degree of spatial coherence ..function of distance Dx=x2-x1

16 Spatial coherence of light
Δx x1 x2 1 2

17 Complex degree of spatial coherence g(Δx)
for all points of interest => Fully spatially coherent light for x1 ≠ x2 => Fully spatially incoherent light

18 Complex degree of spatial coherence g(Δx)
For experimental setup (far field) y h rectangular aperture x x2 Disturbance z Δx x1 R h.. aperture width R...distance between rectangular aperture and the points x1 and x2 coherence distance First minimum of function g (x1,x2)

19 Effect of the aperture width on the spatial coherence
ac coherence distance ac increases as aperture width h decreases ac

20 Effect of the aperture width on the spatial coherence
ac a h h a..distance between S1 and S2 a = ac => g(a) =0 a < ac => g(a) = 0.55

21 Visibility of interference fringes (intensity modulation)=
ac a |g(Δx)| I(x) a << ac visibility = 1 x I(x) a < ac partial visibility x I(x) a=ac visibility = 0 x

22 It works also with electrons and other particles and even molecules…

23 Thank you for your attention

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