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FORMULATORS: Mateja Klun, Dejan Zupan, Andrej Kryžanowski

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Presentation on theme: "FORMULATORS: Mateja Klun, Dejan Zupan, Andrej Kryžanowski"— Presentation transcript:

1 The effect of time dependant operational loads on the structural integrity of concrete dams
FORMULATORS: Mateja Klun, Dejan Zupan, Andrej Kryžanowski University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

2 Aim of the theme The objective is to estimate the effect of various patterns of operation of hydro power plants and the effect of the operational loads on the long term state of the dam. The ICOLD Benchmark Workshop is an excellent opportunity to observe the effect of different modelling approaches on the final result, which can provide a better insight into the prediction of long-term behaviour.

3 The case: typical dam in slovenia

4 Provided data Dam geometry Operational data Material parameters Loads
Analysis of the operational paterns: 16 emergency shutdowns per year (Unit 1: 4, Unit 2: 5, Unit 3: 7), 143 operating cycles (Unit 1: 44, Unit 2: 44, Unit 3: 55), Median 40 hrs, Longest 1963 hrs,

5 tasks Evaluate the initial state of the dam. Perform a static analysis to determine the structural response in initial condition. Perform the free-vibration analysis to determine the Eigen modes of the structure. Evaluate the dynamic response of the dam under typical operational regimes of the turbines. Perform dynamic analysis to check the effect of the cyclic loading patterns on the dam after 10, 20, 50, 100 years of operation. Evaluate the effect on the structural integrity of the dam.

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