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Formal Amendment Chapter 3 Section 2.

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1 Formal Amendment Chapter 3 Section 2

2 Formal Amendment Process
Amendment  a change in the words or meaning of a law or document. Article V sets out two methods for proposal and two methods for ratification of amendments. So, there are four possible methods of formal amendment: An amendment may be proposed by a 2/3 vote in each house of Congress and ratified by ¾ of the State legislatures. 26 of 27 amendments adopted this way. An amendment may be proposed by Congress and ratified by conventions (a meeting to deal w/ matters of common concern) in ¾ of the States. Only 21st amendment was adopted this way. An amendment may be proposed by national convention, called by Congress at the request of 2/3 of the State legislatures; it must be ratified by ¾ state legislatures. An amendment may be proposed by a national convention and then ratified by conventions in ¾ of the States.

3 The four different ways by which amendments may be added to the Constitution are shown here:


5 Article V = Federalism The Formal Amendment process emphasizes Federalism. Proposal takes place at the national level and ratification is a State-by-State matter.

6 The 27 Amendments The Bill of Rights The Later Amendments
The first 10 amendments Proposed in 1789 and Ratified in 1791 Guarantees of freedom of belief and expression, freedom and security of the person, and of fair and equal treatment before the law. The Later Amendments Grew out of different sets of circumstances. Last one Ratified in 1992



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