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Working Group on regional, urban and rural development statistics

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1 Working Group on regional, urban and rural development statistics
Item 5.1a State of play: Tercet, LAUs and NUTS

2 Tercet NUTS 3: LAU: a) Urban/rural typology
Predominantly urban regions Intermediate regions Predominantly rural regions b) Metropolitan typology Metropolitan regions Non-metropolitan regions c) Coastal typology Coastal regions Non-coastal regions LAU: a) Degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA) Urban areas - 'Cities' or 'Densely populated areas' - 'Towns and suburbs' or 'Intermediate density areas' 'Rural areas' or 'Thinly populated areas' b) Functional urban areas (FUA) Cities plus their... Commuting zones c) Coastal areas Coastal areas Non-coastal areas

3 Tercet – core aspects - analytical tool
- not to replace all the specific typologies for policies - not to replace national typologies - MSs can tell typologies to Eurostat, Eurostat computes for MSs which don't; MSs check

4 Tercet - Roadmap - Consultation of WG in 2013, 2014 and 2015
- Consultation of DIMESA in June 2015 and May 2016 - Interservice consultation Commission September 2016 - ESSC November 2016 - Commission adoption December 2016 - Council compromise text adopted by COREPER in June 2017 - EP REGI committee kept Commission proposal in June 2017 - Informal trilogues EP/CCL/EC in July and September 2017 - Agreement in September 2017 - Adoption EP/CCL by end of 2017? - Implementing Regulation on uniform conditions for its implementation after

5 Tercet – Implementing Regulation on uniform conditions
- We'll have to start discussing shortly, after the final adoption of the Regulation; - First draft existing; - relies on definitions / methods currently in place; - please start thinking about them.

6 Element as established in the NUTS Regulation
Labels Conditions Grid-based typology Urban centres Contiguous 1 km ² grid cells (without diagonals and with gap filling) with a density of at least inhabitants/km² and a minimum of inhabitants. Urban clusters Contiguous 1 km² grid cells (including diagonals) with a density of at least inhabitants/km² and a minimum of inhabitants. Rural grid cells 1 km² grid cells outside urban clusters.

7 Element as established in the NUTS Regulation
Labels Conditions Degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA) 'Urban areas' 'Cities' or 'Densely populated areas' LAU level territorial units where at least 50% of the population live in urban centres. 'Towns and suburbs' or 'Intermediate density areas' LAU level territorial units where at least 50% of the population live in urban clusters, but are not 'cities'. 'Rural areas' or 'Thinly populated areas' LAU level territorial units where at least 50% of the population live in rural grid cells. Functional urban areas 'Functional Urban Areas' 'Cities' LAU level territorial units defined as 'Cities' or 'Densely populated areas' 'Commuting zone' The commuting zone contains LAU level territorial units from which at least 15% of the employed population commute to the city, whereby enclaves are included and exclaves are excluded. Coastal areas 'Coastal areas' LAU level territorial units that border the sea or that have at least 50% of their surface within a distance of 10 km from the sea. 'Non-coastal areas' LAU level territorial units that are no 'Coastal area', i.e. which do not border the sea and have less than 50% of their surface within a distance of 10 km from the sea.

8 Element as established in the NUTS Regulation
Labels Conditions Urban-rural typology 'Predominantly urban regions' NUTS level 3 regions where at least 80% of the population live in urban clusters. 'Intermediate regions' NUTS level 3 regions where between 50% and 80% of the population live in urban clusters. 'Predominantly rural regions' NUTS level 3 regions where at least 50% of the population live in rural grid cells. Metropolitan typology 'Metropolitan regions' A single or an aggregation of NUTS level 3 region(s) in which at least 50% of the population live in Functional Urban Areas of at least inhabitants. 'Non-metropolitan regions' NUTS level 3 regions which are no 'Metropolitan regions'. Coastal typology 'Coastal regions' NUTS level 3 regions which border the sea, or those in which at least 50% of the population live within 50 km from the coastline, as well as the NUTS level 3 region of Hamburg (Germany). 'Non-coastal regions' NUTS level 3 regions which are no 'Coastal region'.

9 Simplification of LAUs
- decision in 2016 WG to move from managing two levels of LAU to a single level - to be decided country by country which level is best suited to implement the local typologies (DEGURBA, coastal) - administrative level, building blocks of NUTS 3

10 Simplification of LAUs
- worked like a charm - most countries chose former LAU2, but several LAU1 - a few countries still send lists with two levels; we chose the one used for DEGURBA - list is sent to Eurogeographics for the production of geo data (NUTS 2016!) - list to be published shortly - if any problems, tell us, please

11 NUTS 2016 Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 NUTS 3 Germany
Cochem-Zell recoded from DEB16 into DEB1C and Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis recoded from DEB19 into DEB1D due to boundary change; merge of DE915 Göttingen and DE919 Osterode am Harz into DE91C Göttingen Ireland structure revised from 2 into 3 regions regions reassigned and partially relabelled France 7 out of 9 regions disbanded, 12 new created; 2 other with name changes many regions reassigned due to revised NUTS 1 structure Lithuania Lietuva split into two:  Sostinės regionas and Vidurio ir vakarų Lietuvos regionas (Capital Region and Central and Western Lithuania Region) Vilniaus apskritis (NUTS 3 region)  reassigned to new NUTS 2 region LT01 Sostinės regionas (Capital Region); recodings due to establishment of new regions at NUTS 2 Hungary Közép-Magyarország (HU10) split into two: Budapest (HU11) and Pest (HU12) NUTS 3 regions of Budapest (previously HU10, now Budapest HU11) and Pest (previously HU10, now Pest HU12) reassigned The Netherlands NL121, 122, 123, 338, 339, 322 and 326 recoded into NL124, 125, 126, 33B, 33C, 328 and 329 due to boundary changes Poland 3 out of 6 NUTS 1 regions changed boundaries, one new created 2 NUTS 2 regions reassigned, 1 new created (capital region) several NUTS 3 regions reassigned due to changes at NUTS 1 / 2 level, 1 new created Finland Kainuu recoded from FI1D4 to FI1D8 and Pohjois-Pohjanmaa recoded from FI1D6 into FI1D9 due to boundary change UK new region Southern Scotland created from parts of Eastern Scotland and South Western Scotland (now Western Scotland) in Scotland, several regions reassigned due to changes at NUTS 2 level; UKN (Northern Ireland) restructured the NUTS 3 level from 5 into 11 regions

12 NUTS 2016 - Commission adoption in late 2016
- geo data in preparation, expected early 2018 (!) - data transmitted from 1 January 2018 on NUTS 2016!! - historical data for the new breakdowns to be sent by 1 January 2020 (HTS Implementing Regulation to follow)

13 Anyone? NUTS 2019 First "expressions of interest" received...
Would have to be launched in Summer 2018; please prepare accordingly

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