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Evidence-based Medicine Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence-based Medicine Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence-based Medicine Curriculum
Faculty of Medicine University of Ottawa 1/1/2019

2 EBM Integrated through the undergraduate medical curriculum
Self-Instructional Modules Content Clinical Vignette Large groups session –core concepts Small group session – presentation & review 1/1/2019

3 EBM: Year 1 sessions Introduction to Evidence-based Medicine
Introduction to Formulating a Clinical Question Introduction to Developing Literature Searching (Medline) Skills Harm/Causation Module 1/1/2019

4 EBM: Year 2 Prognosis Module Diagnosis Module Therapy Module 1/1/2019

5 EBM: Year 3 Intro to Meta-analysis (link block) Meta-analysis module
Clinical Practice Guidelines module 1/1/2019

6 EBM Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has been defined as “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of the current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.” EBM is a process of life-long, self-directed learning. 1/1/2019

7 Critically appraise the key article(s)
EBM Critically appraise the key article(s) Select key article(s) Make a decision Integrate decision into practice Evaluate impact of decision Formulate a question Practice Other triggers 1/1/2019

8 Formulating a clinical question
Specify the person / patient involved Indicate what exposure or intervention is being considered Specify the outcome of interest 1/1/2019

9 Critical Appraisal of an Article
What are the study results? Are the study results valid? Will these results help in the care of my patient? 1/1/2019

10 Will the results help in caring for my patients?
Can the results be applied to your patient? Were all clinically important outcomes reported? Are the likely treatment benefits greater than the potential harms? 1/1/2019

11 Critical Appraisal Are the study results valid?
What are the study results? Will the study results help in the care of my patient? 1/1/2019

12 Remember Strengths and weaknesses relate to the critical appraisal criteria Apply the results to your patient. 1/1/2019

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