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What impression is created?

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Presentation on theme: "What impression is created?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What impression is created?
When watching this trailer for the film adaptation of the novel, Wuthering Heights, try to complete the sentence starter below: The weather creates the impression that the characters may be feeling…

2 Christmas Eve (1) Objectives: To understand pathetic fallacy and foreshadowing. Challenge: To explore how Hill uses foreshadowing in chapter one. Starter activity What is Pathetic Fallacy?

3 What is Pathetic Fallacy?
Pathetic fallacy is when a writer uses the weather / nature and setting to send signals to the reader. Look at the following images – what signals do you think a film maker is trying to send to his audience with these scenes?

4 For example, a hot day suggests that thing are about to heat up – either into violence or passion!

5 A dark, misty night suggests that something “scary” is about to happen

6 A calm sea and sky suggest calm in the film – often the calm before the storm!

7 Using Pathetic Fallacy – what is being suggested with this setting?

8 What is foreshadowing? This is when a writer gives clues to the reader that suggest ideas / themes or things that might happen later in the story. We are now going to analyse key quotations from Chapter 1 for Foreshadowing.

9 Analysis Read the quotations and explain what each quotation suggests to the reader.

10 Homework Complete the analysis worksheet, for:

11 Christmas Eve (1) To understand pathetic fallacy and foreshadowing. To explore how Hill uses foreshadowing.

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