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Tremendous noise, disharmonious sound

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Presentation on theme: "Tremendous noise, disharmonious sound"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tremendous noise, disharmonious sound
Cacophony (n.) Tremendous noise, disharmonious sound

2 Cajole (v.) To urge, coax

3 Deleterious (adj.) Harmful

4 To belittle, depreciate
Deprecate (v.) To belittle, depreciate

5 Extremely lively, enthusiastic
Ebullient (adj.) Extremely lively, enthusiastic

6 Egregious (adj.) Extremely bad

7 Fallacious (adj.) Incorrect, misleading

8 Fatuous (adj.) Silly, foolish

9 Garrulous (adj.) Talkative, wordy

10 Hapless (adj.) Unlucky

11 Impenetrable, incapable of being affected
Impervious (adj.) Impenetrable, incapable of being affected


13 Incapable of being persuaded or placated
Inexorable (adj.) Incapable of being persuaded or placated D.A.R.E.

14 Extremely joyful, happy
Jubilant (adj.) Extremely joyful, happy

15 Deception, slight-of-hand
Legerdemain (n.) Deception, slight-of-hand

16 Licentious (adj.) Displaying a lack of moral or legal restraints

17 Limpid (adj.) Clear, transparent

18 Maudlin (adj.) Weakly sentimental

19 Mercurial (adj.) Characterized by rapid change or temperamentally

20 Nefarious (adj.) Heinously villainous

21 Parsimony (n.) Frugality, stinginess

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