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Ch Community Ecology pp

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Presentation on theme: "Ch Community Ecology pp"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402
Mosquito biting a human? Name the type of Symbiosis:

2 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402
Mosquito biting a human? Name the type of Symbiosis: Parasitism Name the host And the parasite

3 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402
Mosquito biting a human? Name the type of Symbiosis: Parasitism Name the host human And the parasite mosquito

4 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402
Clown fish feeds on invertebrates that might harm the sea anemone Name the type of symbiosis:

5 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402
Clown fish feeds on invertebrates that might harm the sea anemone Name the type of symbiosis: Mutualism

6 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402
Wood ducks regularly nest in old nest cavities left by Pileated Woodpeckers Name the type of symbiosis:

7 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402
Wood ducks regularly nest in old nest cavities left by Pileated Woodpeckers Name the type of symbiosis: Commensalism

8 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402
Cuckoos and warblers Name the type of symbiosis:

9 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402

10 Ch. 21.1 Community Ecology pp.397-402

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