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From the workshop to the Seminar

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Presentation on theme: "From the workshop to the Seminar"— Presentation transcript:

1 From the workshop to the Seminar

2 Priority problems

3 Priority problems Grasslands Wetlands CAP Management planning
Conservation objectives - FCS Monitoring ‘Calibration’ meeting: Article Reporting/FCS Training Networking Communication/ Stakeholders Added values National Financing Mechanism Modification of hydrological functions Changes in land use (abandonment) Not using of existing expertize Monitoring and interpretation of conservation status (eg 7110/7120) Lack of good governance of PA (cooperative management with stakeholder participation) FCS definition and ecological processes knowledge Ecosystem services knowledge Forests Freshwater Setting of national/regional conservation objectives Lack of knowledge of connectivity for habitats & species Lack of funding for conservation management Management issues outside N2K sites Exchange of experience (networking) Duplicating natural disturbance Cross-sectoral cooperation (WFD!) Catchment approach to conservation and management Conflict with renewable energy (hydro) Lack of exchange of experience (networking) FCS structure and function definition and habitat functioning Beaver

4 Individual priorities (without X cutting) Common themes

5 Grasslands Wetlands CAP Management planning Conservation objectives - FCS Monitoring ‘Calibration’ meeting: Article Reporting/FCS Training Networking Communication/ Stakeholders Added values National Financing Mechanism Modification of hydrological functions Changes in land use (abandonment) Not using of existing expertize Monitoring and interpretation of conservation status (eg 7110/7120) Lack of good governance of PA (cooperative management with stakeholder participation) FCS definition ecological processes knowledge Ecosystem services knowledge Forests Freshwater Setting of national/regional conservation objectives Lack of knowledge of connectivity for habitats & species Lack of funding for conservation management Management issues outside N2K sites Exchange of experience (networking) Duplicating natural disturbance Cross-sectoral cooperation (WFD!) Catchment approach to conservation and management Conflict with renewable energy (hydro) Lack of exchange of experience (networking) FCS strucutre and function definition and habitat functioning Beaver

6 Additional comments ??

7 ‘Contents’ for the Seminar Document
Introduction Workshop context Individual ecosystem priorities Priorities for x-cutting with individual ecosystem action Priorities for x-cutting with broad action Conclusions and recommendations

8 Introduction Process Pre-scoping document Background document
Stakeholder involvement Roles and responsibilities

9 Workshop context Grasslands Wetlands Forests Freshwater
General conclusions and recommendations

10 Ecosystem priorities Ecosystem Priority Concrete proposal Actions

11 Conclusions and recommendations
CAP ??

12 Action Plan All presentations on CIRCA A4 documents in 2 weeks
Minutes/workshop reports mid February ECNC Background document input by end March Circulate to MS for comments for information Incorporate comments First draft Seminar Document early March Circulate to MS for comments and inputs 3 weeks Single contact point per MS to collate comments Final Seminar Document 3 weeks before Seminar Latest version of Background document Seminar 28 and 29 May, 30 May excursion Dates and timescales to be agreed

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