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One day course in Laboratory Biosafety October 25, 2018

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1 One day course in Laboratory Biosafety October 25, 2018
We are pleased to invite you to a one day course in Laboratory Biosafety at campus Nord! Lecture Hall: Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Solna The course is applicable to all personnel working with, or planning to work with micro-organisms, genetically modified microorganisms, cell cultures and blood. No knowledge prerequisite necessary. The course will be given in English and is free of charge. Register before 22nd of October by sending an to stating name(s) and department. Questions can be addressed to Please see schedule on the next page. The Biosafety committee at KI wishes you welcome through Jenny Karlsson Antonio Rothfuchs, Biosafety coordinator, KI Chair of the KI Biosafety Committee Lecture hall: Atrium, Nobels väg 12B Postadress/Postal address Besöksadress/Visiting address Karolinska Institutet Nobels väg 5 S STOCKHOLM SOLNA

2 One day course in Laboratory Biosafety Karolinska Institutet, October 25th, 2018 Lecture hall: Atrium, at Wargentinhuset in Solna Tentative Schedule 09:00-09:40 Introduction to biosafety (incl. Responsibilities, rules and regulations) Tony Rothfuchs 09:40-10:10 Laboratory acquired infections Coffee 10:10-10:30 10:30-12:00 Introduction to risk assessments and handling instructions Personal protective equipment and biosafety requirements Jenny Karlsson and Roland Möllby Lunch 12:00-13:00 13:00-13:20 Disinfection Roland Möllby 13:20-13:50 Waste Spill, exposure and incident reporting Jenny Karlsson 13:50-14:10 14: Working with blood and tissues in research laboratories Carina Bengtsson and Jenny Karlsson 14:40-15:10 Genetically modified microorganisms, risks, rules and notification 15:10-15:30 Questions and discussion

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