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Welcome To Second Grade!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Second Grade!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To Second Grade!

2 Schedule 8:05-8:15 Lunch Count, Attendance, Pledge
8:05-8:15 Lunch Count, Attendance, Pledge 8:15-8:25 Reading/Journal Writing 8:25-9:40 Everyday Math 9:40-10:40 Rigby Reading/Daily 5 Stations/Daily Café 10:40-11: Lunch 11:10-11: Wash up/Restroom/Recess 11:35-12:00 Read Aloud Chapter Book/Handwriting 12:00-12:50 Specials (See Schedule) 12:50-1:45 Finish Lang. Arts from a.m. 1:45-2:25 Science/Soc.St./Health (rotate) 2:25-2:30 Pack up/Gather “Mail” 2:30-2:35 Bus/Car/After School Program Dismissal

3 Special Classes Monday: Wellness (P.E.) Tuesday: Music Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Library/Media Friday: Computer Lab **Specials are from 12:00-12:50**

4 Responsibility Folder
Goes back and forth to school every day Please check every night! Communication Tool DATA BINDERS!!

5 We’re going to Learn the College Wood Cardinal Rules like CHAMPIONS this year!
(You can download the Cardinal RULE posters at: (Cardinal Rule Posters)) We will earn DOJO points and Cardinal RULE tickets this year for our good behavior and choices!

6 REACH for Reading Reading Log Benchmark Testing Guided Reading Groups
Mini-Lessons/Whole Group On-line component More challenging than Rigby

7 The “Daily 5” Read to Self Read to Someone Work on Writing
Listening to Stories Word Work

8 The “Daily CAFE” Comprehension Accuracy Fluency Expand Vocabulary

9 Grammar/English Parts of speech (Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, etc.) Finding parts of speech within literature

10 Spelling List/Packet sent home on Mondays Words address phonics skills
High frequency words Spelling in everyday writing During “Word Work”/Daily 5 Dictation sentence Tests on Fridays “Spelling City”(

11 Writing Daily Journals Writing Resource Folders Writing Binders
Published Works in “Share Binders” Using Lucy Calkins curriculum

12 Math Everyday Math curriculum Hands-on/games
More than one way to solve a problem! Home Links – every day Family Letters to introduce new unit! Math Facts (“Rocket Math”) Games in classroom and on-line!

13 Science, Social Studies and Health
Integrated through REACH Book lessons for Soc. St. Vocabulary Based Hands-on Science Book lessons for Health

14 Handwriting Manuscript will be used initially, but cursive will be introduced later this year.

15 Transportation Changes

16 Media Help Needed!! (Especially on Mondays and Thursdays…or any day in the afternoon!)

17 CWE PTO and the Fall Donation Drive
PTO membership is FREE and you are all members! The goal of the PTO is to promote the best learning environment for College Wood students by providing close cooperation among students, parents, teachers and staff. The PTO helps support school-wide events and enhances the education experience of all College Wood students by providing things like: Classroom Time & National Geographic Magazines Two paid field trips per grade Teacher & Staff Discretionary Funds Positive Behavior Incentives Teacher Grants & much more! The annual Donation Drive is going on now and ends on Friday, August 29th! 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes directly to the school and is used throughout the year. The PTO loves volunteers and there is a wide variety of ways you can get involved. To learn more check out the PTO Web site at

18 Misc., but Important! Dismissal changes-Attendance/Notes
Read weekly newsletter/check website! Medications Book orders Homework Graded papers “Class Dojo” Discipline System/Cardinal R.U.L.E. tickets Free Stuff for Classroom/Highlights, etc. Sticky Notes for Classroom Items Needed My address: Website for information

19 Class List Girls Boys Abby Addison Allison Alynne Claire Be.
Claire Br. Giada Mackenzie Nour Tessa Tiffany Violet Aden Aiden Ben Brayden Calvin Christopher Ethan Ishan Jake Mattia Nathan Sam Wells

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