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Welcome! January 27th, 2017 Friday

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1 Welcome! January 27th, 2017 Friday
Do Now Get your folder from the front crate and find your seat Begin working on your Daily Edit paragraph. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find all 10 mistakes in today’s paragraph. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Friday January 27, 2017 At age 19, Carl Sandburg left his boyhood home in Illinois he took no bag or supplies. He was headed for the open rode where he would live as a hobo. Sandburgs hobo experiences wood appear later in his writing. He become best know for his poetry. He also wrote folk songs and a biography of abraham Lincoln. "Time is the coin of your life" Sandburg said. "It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.

3 ACT Practice: Parallelism and Modifiers
Trade your homework with a partner Grab a marker, colored pencil, highlighter, ect. from your tower (something colored) Write your name at the bottom of your partner’s paper

4 ACT Practice: Parallelism and Modifiers
15. After seeing the movie, the space creatures seemed more believable than ever to all of us. 17. Living by the airport, the noise bothered us. A. NO CHANGE B. airport, we bothered the noise. B. the space creatures seemed believable. C. airport, we were bothered by the noise. C. all of us believed more the space creatures. D. noise, the airport bothered us. D. all of us felt the space creatures were more believable than ever. 18. While waiting for the plumber, the hot-water tank began to leak all over the basement floor. 16. Sitting on a rock, the rumbling thunder faintly heard Candace. F. NO CHANGE F. NO CHANGE G. Candace faintly heard the rumbling thunder. G. plumber, the hot-water tank begin H. plumber, the hot-water tank was beginning H. the rumbling thunder heard Candace faintly. J. plumber, I saw the hot-water tank beginning J. the thunder rumbling heard the faintly Candace.

5 ACT Practice: Parallelism and Modifiers
19. Walking to the pawnshop, Bob’s watch dropped into the sewer. 21. At the end of the semester, I realized I only needed tutoring in one course. A. NO CHANGE A. NO CHANGE B. Bob’s watch fell into the sewer B. only I needed tutoring C. Bob dropped his watch C. I needed only tutoring D. the watch dropped Bob D. I needed tutoring only 22. Collecting seashells on the beach, the sunset was a beauty to watch. 20. The paramedics covered the boy’s forehead with a cold compress, which was bruised and F. NO CHANGE swollen. G. the sunset was beautiful F. NO CHANGE H. it was a beautiful sunset. G. forehead with a cold compress which was bruised and swollen J. I watched the beautiful sunset. H. forehead, which was bruised and swollen, with a cold compress. J. forehead with a cold compress.

6 ACT Practice: Parallelism and Modifiers
23. The cat is soft, cuddly, and has warmth. 25. The new auditorium is both beautiful and it is spacious. A. NO CHANGE NO CHANGE B. it has warmth. it has a lot of space. C. the cat is warm. spacious. D. and warm. has a lot of space. 24. We will lie on the beach, swim in the ocean, and we will sleep under the stars. 26. Parents are either too permissive or they are too strict. F. NO CHANGE F. NO CHANGE G. strict. G. sleep under the stars. H. they too are strict. H. we will be sleeping under the stars. J. too strict. J. we would sleep.

7 ACT Practice: Parallelism and Modifiers
27. The grammar exercises are long, difficult, and contain absurdities. 29. You have to be smart, friendly, and show energy. NO CHANGE A. NO CHANGE have to show energy. G. absurd. have to be energetic. H. are containing absurdities. energetic. J. are also absurd. 30. Every road to the school is either jammed or is closed for repairs. 28. One option the students have is to fail the test; the other is working long hours. F. NO CHANGE G. has been closed G. work H. is being closed H. to work J. closed J. to have worked

8 Daily Goals For the rest of the day, you have two goals:
Read the excerpt from “9/11 Heroes: A Fireman’s Story.” Afterwards, respond to the analysis questions on the back. Be sure to use textual evidence to support your answers for numbers 4, 7, and 8. Go to and click on 11th grade skills under Language Arts. By Sunday afternoon, complete both of the IXLs below with a score of at least 80%. J.4: Semicolons, colons, and commas review H.1: Commas with direct addresses, introductory elements, absolute phrases, interjections, interrupters, and antithetical phrases

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