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2 Information on eGov WG INDEX Overview: Tasks of the WG
Work done up to now Internal situation Alternatives. The Spanish proposal Program during the Spanish Presidency Madrid, 17 January 2002

3 Information on eGov WG 1. Overview (I)
At the close of the 8th informal meeting of the European Ministers of the Public Service held in Strasbourg on 7th November 2000, the Ministers praised the important work carried out by the Commission and States in implementing eGovernment. Madrid, 17 January 2002

4 Information on eGov WG 1. Overview (II)
They recommend a set of first ICT indicators to be adopted. They encouraged the creation of a European Forum on eGovernment open to the public authorities and the private sector Madrid, 17 January 2002

5 Information on eGov WG 1. Overview (III)
During the 35th meeting of Civil Service General Directors, held in Strasbourg on 9 & 10 November 2000, DG set up the creation of an eGov WG. Resolution on eGovernment: Tasks of the WG Madrid, 17 January 2002

6 1. Overview: Tasks of the WG
Information on eGov WG 1. Overview: Tasks of the WG To establish an instrument panel making it possible to keep up-to-date on the action taken by each state in the field of eGovernment. To reflect on the eGovernment indicators requested by the Ministers: Service provided to the users Development of e-democracy Reorganisation of work and services To analyse the impact of the technologies on the work of the administration and to propose support processes to guarantee optimal use of these technologies by public officials. Madrid, 17 January 2002

7 Information on eGov WG 2. Work done up to now (I)
Related to task 1: Swedish Presidency engaged EIPA to conduct a study based on a survey about the situation in the Member States concerning: Important measures taken Best practices of e-services Pan-European e-services Madrid, 17 January 2002

8 Information on eGov WG 2. Work done up to now (II)
Related to Task 1: Belgium Presidency engaged EIPA a study based on a survey about the situation in the Member States concerning electronic identification of citizens and organisations, with three topics: Existence and ways of managing a possible single national identification number for physical and legal persons. Possible creation of a national identity card in electronic form. Electronic signature, electronic identification and the setting of a PKI. Madrid, 17 January 2002

9 3. Internal situation (I)
Information on eGov WG 3. Internal situation (I) The group duplicates partially 2 of their 3 objectives with those of eGov WG inside eEurope program of the Commission. There is a difficulty to cope with the 3d objective due to the members of the eGov WG have a technical profile, based mainly in our experience on e-services specification and implementation more than on human resources, internal procedures, quality of services or personnel. Madrid, 17 January 2002

10 3. Internal situation (II)
Information on eGov WG 3. Internal situation (II) The aims of the group are very extensive, ambitious and vague, dealing with a huge field of the eGov since quality of services to e-democracy. The Commission always has asked this group to dedicate its efforts to analyse the impact of eGov on the human resources management of the public administrations. Madrid, 17 January 2002

11 3. Internal situation (III)
Information on eGov WG 3. Internal situation (III) Nevertheless the 3rd task (to analyse the impact of eGov on the human resources management) has never tackled by the group. In the 37th meeting of European Director Generals in Brugges this 3rd task has been assigned to the HRM working group. Madrid, 17 January 2002

12 4. Alternatives. The Spanish proposal
Information on eGov WG 4. Alternatives. The Spanish proposal To discontinue the activities of the WG and: Include the more general tasks of the group (1 and 2) in the existing WG on eGov inside the eEurope program. Include the specific task of the group (3) related to backoffice, quality of work and human resources management inside HRM WG, running by experts specialised in Public Function. CREATE A REAL DECISION-MAKING EGOV WG INSIDE THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL AT FORMAL LEVEL. Keep going the activities of the WG without a clear and well-defined direction. Madrid, 17 January 2002

13 5. Program during the Spanish presidency
Information on eGov WG 5. Program during the Spanish presidency In the meantime: To make a full map of relationship among the different existing working groups related to eGovernment inside de European Union and at a international level, such as the OECD to clarify functions and responsibilities. To engage a second version of the study made during the Swedish presidency based on a survey about the situation in the Member States concerning e-services. Madrid, 17 January 2002

14 5. Program during the Spanish presidency
Information on eGov WG 5. Program during the Spanish presidency The Commission has offered: To take into account the point of view of this group when updating the eGov line inside eEurope program “eEurope beyond 2002”. To inform on the conclusions of the Conference “eGov, from policy to practice”, held in Brussels, on 29-30th November 2001. To inform on the results of the second survey on e-services (March-April 2002). Madrid, 17 January 2002


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