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Napoleon Bonaparte Part II

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1 Napoleon Bonaparte Part II

2 Impact Overseas Caribbean- Napoleon failed to stop the struggles for independence and freedom (which of course were inspired by the revolution)- sells Louisiana to the USA South America- inspired by N.America, outnumbered Spanish and Portuguese settlers, Colonists attachment to Spain is lost with Joseph Bonaparte being placed on the throne

3 Impact Overseas 1810- South America was in revolt
Simon Bolivar- The Liberator 1822- almost all of Spain’s colonies are not independent- Napoleonic Code England prompted to step up its overseas expansion England took control over many French ports and traded more openly with South America

4 Impact Overseas English counterblockade against France- ended up creating a war with USA- 1812 Egypt- local war lords rebelled in the Ottoman lands- Egypt became a strong independent state using the Napoleonic Code


6 Decline and Fall Three crucial vulnerabilities- flawed policies, resistance to his rule and overextension of his military reach Continental system was not working- locals became irritated, Britain was able to finance Napoleon’s enemies A new national spirit developed amongst most of the subjected peoples under Napoleon- Spain





11 Spain Massive national spirit emerged among the Spanish with the planting of Napoleon’s brother as King of Spain Popular resistance- massive reprisals- Goya Madrid Rebellions- May 1808 New style of warfare- Guerilla tactics Spain would become a massive drain of Napoleon’s resources and military strength

12 Europe Modernization of the army in Prussia, Austria declares war and Dutch political rebellion Overextension- Russia soured alliance between Napoleon and the Tsar 600,000 Grand Armee- 300,000 conscripts from conquered lands Scorched earth- Russian Winter- Cossacks Less than 100,000 would return October Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig



15 He’s Back… While the allies squabbled over a peace settlement- Napoleon escaped “Soldier’s! In exile I heard your voice, Now I have landed in France” Raised over 100,000 soldiers- met a join Prussian and English army at Waterloo (Belgium) Defeated finally (Duke of Wellington)- this time sent to St. Helena



18 History “Posterity will do me justice. The truth will be known, and the good I have done will be compared with the faults I have committed”

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