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Minerals Minerals touch our lives in hundreds of ways everyday-we could not live without them!

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals Minerals touch our lives in hundreds of ways everyday-we could not live without them!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals Minerals touch our lives in hundreds of ways everyday-we could not live without them!

2 We use minerals to Growing food, tractors, water pipes, electrical wiring, refrigerator, radio, toaster, lamp, light bulbs, sheets, towels, clothing, make up, fireworks, soap and toothpaste, windows; cereal bowls and dishes, glasses and cups, faucets, doorknobs, electronics; cars, trucks, ships, and railroad cars; bricks, tiles, siding, and houses-Every part of our lives depends on minerals.

3 Minerals must be mined from the Earth.
We use 2 billion tons of minerals each year in the US. That’s 10 tons of minerals for every man, woman, & child! Minerals must be mined from the Earth. they are nonrenewable resources, so once we use them up, we will have no more to use.

4 http://images. search. yahoo

5 There are over 3000 minerals.
Every mineral is different b/c it’s made of different atoms. The harder it’s to find or get out of the Earth, the more expensive it will be.

6 Some pure elements make up minerals. Example: gold, platinum.
Minerals form everywhere.

7 How minerals form as magma cools crystals grow (Through crystallization of melted materials) As water evaporates or cools leaving minerals behind (Through crystallization of materials dissolved in water) Generally happens slowly

8 To be a mineral, something must be……

9 naturally occurring

10 inorganic It did not come from a living or once living thing

11 solid NO Yes NO

12 Have a crystalline structure
Symmetrical arrangement of atoms Atoms determine structure which determines all properties about the mineral.

13 Crystalline NOT Crystalline

14 Mineral Properties Each mineral has its own unique properties. They are used to identify the mineral.

15 Color-not the best because minerals can come in more than 1 color

16 Luster-ability to reflect light-
metallic nonmetallic

17 Density A measurement of how tightly packed the atoms are.

18 Cleavage OR Fracture- ability to be split along a flat surface (weaknesses in bonds) when they don’t break apart easily.

19 Crystal systems- crystal shape, outer appearance, forms as crystal grows atom by atom.

20 Hardness A measurement of how much a mineral resist being scratched

21 Streak The color of a minerals powder

22 Special Properties Fluorescence Magnetism Radioactivity Reactivity
Conduct electricity

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